
one of those games I’ll buy on a Steam sale for 4 dollars.

Quick spelling correction, “hoards” in paragraph 6 should be “hordes”.

This was one of the reasons why Lucas wanted the merch rights- he was afraid Fox wouldn’t promote the movie enough, so he made sure that there was a novelization, a comic adaptation, and posters and T-shirts etc.

Because Disney is so terrified by the spotty legacy of the prequels that the new SW movies are ridiculously beholden to the OT. And not just in a story sense (no need to rehash the arguments about how TFA is a remake of ANH, etc.)

The prequels lacked McQuarrie too, but that didn’t stop them from introducing new ships.

Watch what you say. I made the same comment after The Force Awakens first trailer. I was fighting casual Star Wars fans for weeks.

Yeah. Iconic as the X-Wings and Millennium Falcon are, it would be nice to see something new once in a while... that rather sums up the dearth of creative ambition with the new movies.

I picked it up as I wanted a pulp break from the usual new wave SF I was reading at the time. It was a fun read and it said it was going to be a film. I ran around telling all my friends that they had to see this thing.

Apparently it just plain couldn’t penetrate their heads that ugly people could be the heroes of a movie, and they kept asking Barker why he was asking the audience to root for the bad guys, despite the script making more than clear who held the moral high ground.

I think I’ve seen the director’s cut of Lord of Illusions but didn’t know about the Nightbreed contraversy. I shall have to seek out the director’s cut. I liked the concept and it was a creepy film but felt the theatrical version was poorly executed. I just assumed it was due to budget reasons.

Criminal charges should be brought against the execs who kept Clive Barker out of the editing room for Nightbreed, chopped up the footage, and hid it in the WB lot for 20 years without telling Barker. Thankfully, fans were able to petition WB for the footage and put it into the hands of Barker where it belonged so he

Even the Elite is overkill for nearly anyone, but it sure is a sweet piece of hardware. But going back to wired controllers? Ugh, no thanks.

For a while I was stuck deciding between this and the Xbox One Elite. After reading customer reviews for the Wolverine, though, they’re saying PC compatibility isn’t great (and one customer was flat-out told by Razer support that PC will never have config software for it, contradictory to your article). Given Razer’s

The only significant difference appears to be the paddle design on the bottom of the controller and chat controls. After that, not seeing why anyone would get this over the Elite (which can be wired or wireless).

So: despite it being a well-worn Hollywood trope, for me, the “Howie Scream” is synonymous with this game (it’s played every time you fall).

I heartily agree. I still regularly play it -and it’s been a huge inspiration to me, artistically. It really is amazing how they got that Star Wars feel with the limitations they had, especially when you compare it to later LucasArts games that...really don’t feel all that star wars-y. Everyone should play this, if