
Nah. The Switch is, at its heart, a powerful handheld, and it’s really not junk. The Wii and Wii U didn’t have any excuse, as tabletop devices, but the Switch is actually a very well put together piece of kit, in terms of hardware and the processing power it has in context of its portability.

Honestly, not really. Let’s be frank. Skyrim isn’t compelling because of its lore or storyline. It’s serviceable, at best. It’s genuinely “good” because of other elements.

I believe there have been some updates in relation to story improvement, but I can’t speak personally to how much of a difference it makes, if any.

Because the guy who coded a different camera mode (likely in his spare time), definitely was responsible for the state of the game’s story... 😂

At the turn of the millenium? What are you talking about? 1995-2005 is like, the golden age of Star Wars games.

He has a slightly similar role in Cabin in the Woods. Sort of.

I feel like Ruffalo is actually the weakest link, IMO? But each to their own.

Dunno about gaming, but from MKBHD’s hands-on on youtube, this looks like it could be a really great high-performance Android phone option, especially for those looking for a successor to the Nexus 6p, since the Pixel 2 XL is turning out to have some severe screen issues, etc.

Kind of sad, as ironically, they in some ways, were the ones keeping it alive with good arcade games. That said, I entirely get it. If you’re not making money, or enough, that’s not sustainable, sadly. Maybe they can find a balance somehow. Produce some other non-arcade games as their main money-making venture, and

They do make money. Exactly how much, we don’t know, as that’s under NDA. It’s generally considered a pretty good deal by most devs though, as apparently the payout is decent, and it often gets them more awareness. (Rocket League for instance, blew up in terms of sales after it was free on PS+ and a bunch of people

40$ for a year of free games isn’t a bad deal. Plenty of other months are great.

I’m sure I’ll practically be lynched for this, but honestly, the Star Wars license should’ve been given to Ubisoft over EA, if they wanted a mega-publisher/studio to manage the property. Ubisoft practically specializes in single-player environment-rich, atmospheric games.

The results might’ve not been perfect, but I

Man, this is such a sad reality. People can say what they want about the prequels, but they didn’t rest on their laurels creatively and visually and in terms of designs and stuff. “Just like before” is a bit sad.

I feel like the prequels still have a lot of iconic designs and elements. The TFA trilogy so far..., less so.

Been looking at this on Switch. Will have to pick it up probably, after reading this!

God, I love the Japanese.

It was actually really well received. But for some reason didn’t actually get a ton of attention. The general consensus is that the campaign is quite fantastic. Can’t speak for the multiplayer.

I’ve been pretty hesitant since the reveal, but the more I see, hear, and read, the more intrigued I’ve been getting. It’s not quite I expected or hoped for in some ways, but it looks genuinely just really solid and fun, the more gameplay and things I see, and most opinions from press who’ve gotten previews are rather

The most recent Ubi titles have been quite solid. If you have a hefty gaming PC, PC’s the way to go.

-chanting softly- “Please bring it to PC, please bring it to PC, please bring it to PC.”