
Honestly? They grow on you. I recommend the Audiobooks though. It helps. (They're better performed than read, though there are still some annoyances even then in some of the writing particularly in the first book, and to a lesser extent, occasionally with Marc Thompson's performance.)

Fair enough, I guess. I'm always for more Mandalorians, and mando culture, and it'll at least be an actual arc, for once, something Rebels sorely needs and could learn a lot from TCW in doing.

Considering Lucas doesn't own Star Wars anymore, and that he was the main reason Clone Wars got such a big budget originally…, no, they probably can't? And even if they were to do so, it wouldn't mean anything, since he's not in charge at all anymore.

Yeah. Rax definitely would be the logical person they're setting up for at least founding the First Order, though there's still no clear indication that he is actually force-sensitive. It's definitely obvious that Palpatine groomed him as his heir, though.

The first one is a bit rocky, but it's better than the Ahsoka book which I'm currently wading through and is just, confusingly about nothing? (And whose writing is even more lacking than the Aftermath books, frankly. I almost think I could do better. The style of Aftermath is a bit different, but at least there's SOME

They were a significant party to engineering the original designs, back when it was a pet Sith project sponsored by the CIS. If you recall, at the end of Attack of the Clones, Dooku is given an early copy of the design by a general of theirs when he leaves Geonosis, to keep the design safe/take to Palpatine.
It was

Yeah. Rebels getting a paltry budget is one of the saddest things. It's shown that it can be good when given some license, but it doesn't even compare to Clone Wars most of the time, especially in terms of production values, environments, and effects, etc.

Actually haven't heard the Plageus = Snoke theory. Huh.

Ugh. Mothma becomes incredibly annoying with how obsessed with peace and anti-violence she is in the Aftermath book series. Like, I get the New Republic shouldn't use violence as its only option, but she takes it to a ridiculous extent, even as they're still in the middle of an ongoing war.

The best thing about this episode was Sabine being a complete mandalorian badass.

Seems like 50-60$ on Amazon right now. Pretty pricey for the size/quality.

How old are you?

The Last Guardian doesn’t own the rights to using a low-poly, flat, cartoonish art style. And it’s far from the first game or property to use it.

Jesus christ, that was tragic.

Say what you want about NMS, but the concept art was gorgeous. If anyone’s looking for a higher res version of that one, here you go:

Eh. To be honest, the complete nonexistence of any resistance, this soon after the war, wouldn't be all that believable, honestly. I can see why they added them. Now, whether or not they've handled that well, or if the resistance plots and characters are good…? That's another question.

They still could have done a wink and a nod and acknowledged the elephant in the room. Their silence isn’t frustrating and annoying simply because it’s silence, or because they have no plans for said thing, it’s annoying because they’ve gotten to the point where they’ve just become uptight assholes about it and can’t

You’re seriously trying to put the FOX engine at fault for the issues with MGSV’s ending and Kojima’s conflicts with Konami? I’m sorry, I don’t buy that, remotely. It’s a ridiculous stretch.

It’s because they weren’t just buying a license, they were essentially buying redistribution rights.

It’s honestly a tragedy that all the work that went into the Fox engine is going to waste. Surprisingly good looking, extremely well-optimized engine. And it’s stuck in Konami’s hands, where the absolute most they’re going to make use of it is on a soccer game, and who knows how long that’ll even last? A true shame.