
From what I’ve seen, I’d say the destructibility has actually been amped up in this iteration. In a good way. Battlefield’s destruction has always been pretty lacking and token in the past, for me. (Particularly as someone who was a huge fan of the original Crysis.)

Yeah. I think it’s incredible, actually.

Really? I mean..., they’re not perfect, but HR and MD have been pretty much universally lauded as fantastic games and a successful soft reboot of the franchise (one that a lot of series could look to, on things to do right, when doing that).

A Polish game development studio most well-known for making the Witcher series of games. (Dark fantasy RPGs based off the work of a famous Polish author.)

And that’s also because it looked both pretty crappy, before, and after launch...

Oddly, I love the Witcher 2's combat (despite its flaws), and even like the Witcher 1's combat, but firmly feel the Witcher 3'a combat is the worst of the series. Not many people agree with me though. I love the series, but 3's combat lost all the weight and tacticality of 2's.

All good points.

You can. It’s called buying the game digitally.

So is the singleplayer also coming to PC?

Such a great movie.

If they don’t sell this separately, they’re idiots.

You seem to be projecting somewhat.
I don’t totally disagree with some of this, but you’re clearly going beyond reality. Besides, is it a crime for a character to have sexuality or sex appeal? They’re people too. That exists. By your standards, it sure seems to be.

There are underwear lines too. Wtf? Why would a robot be wearing underwear anyway?

I mean..., I’d be more likely to vote for him, based on this, in all honesty. Good running mate, cat.


That’s a disturbing implication.

Huh. Didn’t know they specifically worked with someone for that. Interesting.

Agreed so much on the Deus Ex thing.

Interesting. Thanks.

No. They’ve said they’re not making a headset, but that they’ll support all vendors. Oculus, OSVR, Vive, etc...