Or Jon Stark? Technically his vows to the watch are broken by his death.
Or Jon Stark? Technically his vows to the watch are broken by his death.
Is it just me, or has the writing caliber for dialogue been getting generally worse for the last few seasons, along with more anachronistic?
Agreed. I'm actually sad to see him go. He was one of the last surviving GOT actors with gravitas.
She looks like a Vulcan.
She also hadn't slept in 72 hours. Insomnia + extreme desperation and fear + glimmer of hope at finding a friendly beth contact = easily manipulable/less wary.
Or Russell Brand? https://www.google.com/sear…
Yup. There's been a ton of hints since basically the moment she showed up in the show in Season 1. It's just been growing more blatant/her powers/abilities seem to be growing.
Didn't he lose his job a ways back?
If it means I get Dollhouse back somehow…, -Okay. I'll agree to it. Where do I sign? Eliza Dushku and Summer Glau have to be integrated into the show somehow though. Along with Fran Kranz. And Alan Tudyk. And Amy Acker. Jesus, that had a good cast.
Could be the maggot somehow causes Sarah to excrete pheromones (data transmission method) that can be picked up by / somehow affect Kira's…, enhancements? (I'm not sure what we're supposed to call them. Powers? Genetic abilities? They seem to have occurred semi-naturally, no? So I'm not sure enhancements works. Unless…
1000$ bet that Lincoln's "murder" vest eventually becomes his final "costume", somehow.
True. I suppose I just find that kind of practice a shame, even if it carries less risk.
Agreed. Hear, hear.
Patching isn’t always as simple as people think, particularly depending on how things are packaged.
I miss Patrice’s work. Always interesting, unusual, and talented examples of the artform of games.
Looking forward to Ancestors, and eventually, someday, hopefully, this game, amongst other things, from him and the guys at Panache.
Eh. Was more just speaking to talented actors wasted by Marvel. More particularly on this show. I was very excited about Olmos, and they completely and utterly wasted him, and his performance seemed phoned in, and then they promptly killed him. Was just disappointing, after having high hopes, and not seeing him in…
Yeah. I could see that. He finally gets what he wants, but it's not even satisfying, and is ruined by the fact that someone else basically killed Gregor, and getting your revenge against an idiot reanimated corpse with no soul and who isn't really the brother you hated, probably isn't going to be even as unsatisfying…
Valid point, even though I REALLY want it.
"Might Morphin' Power Sand Snakes" xD