All good points and suggestions. Hopefully Massive takes them to heart. They’ve been pretty excellent thus far at responding quickly to critique and taking it and putting it to good use.
All good points and suggestions. Hopefully Massive takes them to heart. They’ve been pretty excellent thus far at responding quickly to critique and taking it and putting it to good use.
Okay, for one, you know a lot of effects are resolution-dependent, right? Not to mention that CPU scaling is well-known to become increasingly important as you increase resolution, especially as you start to breach into areas like 4K and 4K+?
CPUs prepare instruction sets for the GPU, along with generally handling…
Um. No. No. There are just so many problems with this answer. No.
The thing is, is to do this at cost..., even with bulk, custom parts, there’s no way you’re going to be selling this anywhere close to cheap. I call either bullshit, or it’s plans that are numerous years out. Nvidia’s 1000 series, and AMD’s Polaris GPUs are going to be the first GPUs coming this year to probably be…
You could make transitions like this dynamic/semi-procedural. It would cut down heavily on repetitive work, and ensure variance, immersion, and accuracy. It would take more work at first, but Tomb Raider already has some basic mixed-ragdoll procedural animations anyway, and long-term, would be a big step up in quality…
I think it’s a good game, but is it just me, or does it just not have the attraction and special qualities the first game had? It just doesn’t grab me in the same way.
Salt and Sanctuary is only out on PS4 and Vita right now, but it’s also coming to PC and might hit other platforms down the line.
There’s a fairly nice light blue-ish one coming soon. I have the white one, which I still think is the coolest DS4, atm. Well, that, and the 20th Anniversary Edition...
Basically because like, twice a season there's an okay-to-good episode, and I keep hoping it'll turn into Clone Wars 2.0, in terms of quality…
Yeah. If they wiped his memory, he could still have a personality. 3PO still has a relatively similar personality despite being wiped at the end of III. It's well known that droids eventually have to be wiped, else they tend to get corrupted and have issues, which clearly Chopper has.
Exactly. It's not that he's a jerk. It's that he's a dangerous jerk who just happens to be occasionally lucky.
I miss Clone Wars so much. This show occasionally shows incredible potential, but occasionally is a generous word, and it's just…, inconsistent and bad, far too often.
Seriously. I thought we were going to go to Malachor, but it was like, nah, we need fuel, and need to remind people how shitty Chopper is.
Like, there was an entire season+ where pretty much everyone thought he was an Imperial plant that was trying to kill them all "by accident". That's how bad and psychopathic and asshole-ish he is. That people thought he was a discrete assassin.
I think I remember him panicking and having it happen accidentally because he couldn't keep control?
That is…, very true.
Totally missed that one.
It was a really close cut.
It's a fairly human thing to do.