This is AWESOME. Please, someone make this a reality.
Yeah. ]:
Yeah. Sorry. I was really wiped out when I wrote that, haha.
You say, as you continue to attack and antagonize someone…
Two words: Iron Oxide. Still mad about that.
I…, did not realize that.
Well, that was the best fight choreography I've seen Oliver in, in a while… Which just speaks to the sad state of Arrow.
And logic, which well… this show…,
I would accept this solution fully.
Honestly, nowhere close to any kind of an A grade, IMHO, but Amell really pulled out all the stops for that monologue recorded for William, and that sequence was (perhaps somewhat sadly), the highlight of the episode for me.
Why would they have to be in hiding? Like, I could maybe understand Wells, but even then…
This was good. Much more what I want out of Rebels. Hope this trend continues.
Yup. You get the same issue with TV shows that get widescreen versions that weren’t originally meant to be showed in that format, where you can see crew, or sets, or things that would be screwups/immersion-breaking for the scene, in the image, on the sides. There are some pretty funny examples of this.
Likewise, it’s…
The problem is that you have to frame them in a particular aspect-ratio when you’re making them/filming them, and it’s going to be really hard to have that have the same impact 3 or 4 different ways, or to ensure consistency. In-engine, or in-game cutscenes are a different matter, to an extent, but if it’s a more…
Have to admit it has some style. And for 3 dollars..., eh. If I get 15 minutes of enjoyment from it, I’m not super miffed.
Yeah... Fallout’s AI isn’t exactly the most advanced, sadly...
Conan gaming is awkward, period.
Ooh. Good point.
Wow. I have never seen this before..., and..., damn.