Reminds me of Hannibal. Miss that show.
I'm curious about the Gideon connection, but god Gideon's new visualization they used at the start of the episode looks terrible.
I hate that they dropped her friendship thing with Nyssa. There was a lot of potential there.
Holy hell, that's going to be good.
Are you saying…, Peggy Carter as Captain Jack?
It kind of looks like a PS2 game from the future.
See, people say that, but Crysis actually WAS well-optimized, and still is, in many ways.
It had the occasional threading issue, but mostly? Mostly it was just insanely ahead of its time. It still looks better, and does more, than many games launching now, almost a decade later.
There isn’t a ton of excuse, honestly. Unreal 4 can be both extremely stunning, and insanely well-optimized. (See, say, the new version of Unreal Tournament, etc.)
I would say the main issue is..., honestly? Inexperienced devs. Ones who managed to make an incredibly fun game, which, kudos to them, but at the moment…
I was hoping they would go into that story, but nopeeee.
There's so much potential good stuff you could do with the flashbacks, but they've just become a mess.
The best thing I took from this is that Felicity is going to be Oracle. It's happening.
They do, but often, particularly with newer Ubisoft games that have massive amounts of studios involved, the creative direction isn’t firmly enough enforced, and with 12 studios or so, it can be really hard logistically to enforce that and cover everything and ensure it’s being implemented. They also aren’t as…
Honestly, Bethesda, small or no, just needs to get some damn halfway decent technical engineers. It’s a joke at this point, and shameful. They have the hiring power. Bethesda is legendary. Plenty of people would love to work there.
...Dear god.
Yeah. To an extent/partly.
It certainly seems to be a big contributing factor at times, especially if there isn’t strong enough creative control/direction firmly enforced.
Wonderful game.
Season one was an utter mess. Season two has been also, but it's had more bright moments. And if the trailer they showed off recently, and the technical improvements in this episode are indicators of anything, I'd say it could be getting a lot better now that we're back.