
So much shit was “not in” Unity, “for some reason”. It was its biggest problem, in my opinion, moreso than the technical issues.
There were a lot of regressions- and not in a good way.

The animations this year in combat, are fairly jerky and stiff, in my opinion, particularly in comparison to the past. (Especially the actual gameplay stuff where you’re directing individual attacks.)
Which is, well, a strange problem, as animation of combat and traversal/movement has always been one of AC’s strong

Sounds like it could’ve been fun.
And is pretty good-looking for a sim/strat game, too.

A shame it’s such a mess.

This is definitely a nice build. Particular in some its techniques and smoothness, and studless build quality.
I’ve made something of similar scale, but it got destroyed in an unfortunate accent. (Still pissed about that.)

It’s not nearly as impressive in sheer force/scale (and accuracy) as the official one

I have to say, I think the Destiny PS4 is incredibly elegant, and probably the best looking console on the market at the moment.

I'm aware.
It's more that she was just like: "huh. Hur dur. My phone is being weird."
She's not that stupid. Especially when it comes to technology. Not even remotely.

Too many rats on the dancefloor. Too many rats.

If you seriously think the latter bit, you missed so much of that game’s combat and depth.
But that’s the case with a lot of people, and a lot of things that were in Assassin’s Creed 1.
Most people just took the easy way, and never even realized the complexity and depth that was possible. Admittedly the game didn’t


Admittedly, him being an evil bastard is a historical fact...

Looks pretty cool. Universe seems to have a decent amount of character to it.
Will consider backing it.

PC version doesn’t come out for about a month. And generally loading issues on any game, are much less severe on PC. Though it’s not a guarantee.

Except it was mostly because the combat was a horrible step back from ANY game in the series. Not because it was genuinely difficult or complex.
The first AC game still has the most complex, deep, and dynamic combat system thus far.

I'm aware it's not a reliable resource. I just did a quick check in a few spare moments to see what I could find on his presence in the show. I'm not touting it as anything remotely set in stone, nor verifiable fact.

My understanding, from gameplay I’ve seen, it does return, and is even expanded upon. But don’t hold me to it. I’m sure you can find confirmation somewhere on Youtube, though.

Some very nice hard-surface modeling, here.

It's a Whedon show, though… You never know.

According to IMDB, he won't be showing up until Episode 7, then all the way till the end of the season.
So…, I dunno. It's possible, but I don't think he's Lash.
He could be reprising his Avengers character though. I think that's more likely, though not guaranteed.
