

The mini-map and map, etc are both fairly customizable. Take a look at those settings, and see if you can find something that will work for you.
You can absolutely get lost in that world, especially if you turn off markers and other things more than normal.

Well, the Beta hasn’t actually started, so I imagine that’s part of it...

The aesthetic looks extremely Killzone-ey to me. I’d guess Killzone Shadowfall.

Was pretty skeptical, and remain somewhat so, towards this, but I might have to try it.

So, I was incredibly turned off by this show when I tried to watch it before, starting with the first couple episodes of last season, and I ended up just quitting, because it was that bad. (Though there were some things with potential, beyond the basic concept.)

What? Seriously?

This news honestly made me so happy.

This is one of those series (like the new Deus Ex games with Michael McCann composing, or Star Wars and John Williams), where it’s just not remotely the same without music from the composer that made it so iconic and lended so incredibly to the mood and feel of the franchise.

Uplay, bizarrely, is in many ways better, too, now.

This is a great resource. Thanks!

But..., Crysis was actually a good game.
The sequels? Less so.
But Crysis 1 was fantastic (with some quibbles), and nothing, still, has matched some of the things it did back then.

No one I knew had a device that they supported. I think they mainly allowed a few Samsung phones, with some strange choices, and if I remember correctly, ended up pulling the app entirely, eventually.
Bizarrely, I heard reports that if you sideloaded it, it actually worked fine on most devices, but I never had the

Love the artstyle. Gorgeous.

I feel, like EVE, that in some ways, the best part of Destiny has become the meta-narrative that increasingly goes on, and the lore and player-interaction that goes on around it.

Except the companion app for AC IV was only available for like, 4 devices, and so most people never even got to use it. :/

Ugh. Watch Dogs had such potential, but man was it lackluster.

These are..., really well-done.

Are these being run off Source 2? I feel like Valve would’ve optimized that engine in particular for VR applications, considering their recent development focus.

It’s a GIF. Not the most accurate representation of something, especially 120-ish fps VR.

As a freelancer myself, believe me, I understand the difference.
Thanks for calling me an idiot, though.

-And way to apparently extrapolate and reduce my entire ethos, life, and expanded opinion on every detail of this argument for me, based on a couple lines that also happen to literally state that I see the