There are leaked episodes.
There are leaked episodes.
And there is definitely no-one complaining about that.
I haven’t heard any confirmation of NPC soldiers filling out the battlefield either, which has me worried, as that’s a critical feature of a Battlefront game, and making that scale and struggle feel real.
There’ve been a couple articles that have implied too, that there’s something like, 4, 5 maps total?
That’s ridiculously few, and a joke, honestly.
No prequel content, either.
Not really. There’s a ton else that’s different. People like to describe Battlefront as Star Wars Battlefield, but it really wasn’t. There were similarities, but there were a ton of big differences.
So is the patch going to the DX9 version, too?
It’s not out of hand. It’s normal. And will be. Sorry.
Dastardly internet carrier practices are an entire other thing, but with consoles that have blu-ray drives standard, and next-gen games getting larger, more complex, and ever-more detailed, 50 gigs will be the standard, if not bare minimum for years to come. That’s…
One one hand, I can perhaps agree a bit, but on the other hand, I have absolutely no problem with excellence in a TV show, even if it may be by-the-books excellence.
This could have been so, so, so much worse. The fact that it’s so good is, no pun intended, a marvel.
There weren’t larger tie-ins for the most part, not because they didn’t want to do them, but because by the time Daredevil’s scripts were finished and they had started shooting, some of the actors for those characters hadn’t even been cast, much less had there been time to shoehorn them into the script. It was a…
My quail is a vegan.
Some really, really nice art tonight. Great stuff, throughout, and ranging greatly in style, too.
Are you kidding me? Sleeping Dogs was fantastic. Perfect? No. But it was great, and had a ton of character, and was really well made.
Yeah, sorry, but there are definitely people, and kids who do say that, and other similar things, to this day. So, -hm.
Yeah, sorry, but there are definitely people, and kids who do say that, and other similar things, to this day. So, -hm.
Sorry, but there are definitely groups of kids who do. So, hm. Maybe to an extent your own perspective of what you think kids should be saying, or how you spoke at that age, is colouring your perception?
I always really hated that the AC games didn’t have default options to set the audio to correct native historical language for the historical sections (with subtitles) and English (or whatever your native language is) for the modern sections.
There’s been many-a-comment on the (apparently too) many Destiny articles found on many a gaming site. You could say it’s an allusion of sorts.
Yeah. Same here. I can see where one could interpret it differently. though.
They are. I always found them mildly and weirdly cute, despite them trying to gnaw your face off.