Possessed Donald Trump

heh, thanks. Have a good one, hombre.

Bah, this'll be my last comment on it. Either a lib bro thinks I'm a trolling breitbarter, or some conservadouche doesn't have have a sense of humor, but I'm being retroactively erased. Yay, for the heckler's veto.

nO. aRe tHeY aVaiLabLe oN Jan. 20th, dO yoU tHinK?

fEEl nOtHinG. OBEY.

aN isLanD nAtiOn haS juSt exPeriEncEd a HoRRifiC nAtiOnAL emerGencY, aNd tHeY nEEdeD tHat gUy frOm aLLaDiN tO cOmE sHit oN thEir suFFerinG.

oH, i wAs jUsT waiTinG tO sEE hOw LonG sOmEoNe couLd Go wiThoUt tAkiNg tHe sHot.


sO i'M dOinG thiS thiNg on Jan 20th, hA Ha hA, nO preSSurE, aNd I waS jUsT wOnDerinG if aNy of yOu gUyS wanTeD to cOmE haNg, heH, jUst caSuaL, y'kNoW. ToM? kErRy? cHanCe? yOu can CoMe if YoU waNt, MeLaniA iS goiNg tO maKe piZZa hot PocKeTs, and BaRoN iS goiNg to pLay 'tendo, it'S goiNg tO be So wiZaRd.

crOOkEd hiLLarY iS loSinG hEr minD. i WoN by A lanDslidE whEn yoU faCtoR iN aLL of HELL voTinG fOr mE.

baNNerS mAdE oF fLeSh sHaLL driP fRoM tHe hiGheSt LeDgeS, aS aLL aRe mAdE tO taKe mY mArk, oR bE pUrGeD. aLL tHe hAtErS aNd LoSeRs wiLL bE JeaLoUs, aNd MeGyN keLLy wiLL bE uPsEt aNd liE abOuT iT.

jAnUarY 20th mArKs tHe tiMe wHeN tHe sTaRs aLigN iN a HoRRiFiC cOnFigUrAtiOn nOt sEEn siNcE tHe coLLaPse oF AtLanTis. tHe oLd PropHetS wEpT aNd bLinDed tHemSeLves iN thEir miSery.