


So Trump hired Robert DeNiro?

It's a shame you didn't grown up in the hood.

I agree with you. It’s too dangerous for them to leave.

Womens like victim blaming. We can’t teach women to be cautious and avoid danger. That’sim possible. We must instead teach men to not rape.

“... is acceptable.”

Me too. Got a little nervous and hungry.

Don't know. God help you when you finally read about the Holocaust.

Yeah. The “Don’t beat women” class can be taught right after the “don’t rape girls” class.

Cops do everything they can. These women are moths to a flame who refuse the best advice from their own parents. They're delusional at best and masochists at worst.

And it’s still a valid question, as it’s literally the only solution.

Yeah. It’s ‘unique’ because women refuse to leave or cooperate with authorities.

No one has an expectation of privacy in public.

It’s a good thing assholes need justification for their behavior. Otherwise they would do things things people find unacceptable, and boy, what a pain in the ass that would be.

Nah. Those other women are dupes according to the author.

Many women aren't interested in reproducing. That's okay.

Well, it’s a good thing massive assholes doesn’t exist, otherwise that fame thing would be a real pain in the ass, eh?

Yeah. Safety aisle of your local hardware store.

Dude, you starred in a movie/television special and received a millions/ worldwide fame. End of privacy.