
The Neely's should replace Deen. They did a road show and one episode they stopped at a plantation; it was comic gold, and they aren't comedians. When the owner (who's family had lived in the plantation) gave them a tour of the kitchen, they kept making comments and the owner had no idea what to do, like African

I think it boils down to "You have a vagina. Why would you want to kill yourself when you can use your vagina to do whatever you want". Men/patriarchy are fascinated by why women don't constantly prostitute themselves, and its the perception is that there's no need to kill yourself when the answer to your

They did make a New Girl movie. It was a prequel called 500 days of summer. Zooey Deschanel either has been typecast or has no range, take your pick.

My family, after the loss at Waterloo, immigrated to the South. I call them Waterlosers. They fought in Indian Wars for land in Florida and with the Confederacy, so I too qualify as a Daughter of the Confederacy. As Whitney Houston would say "Hell to the Nah". I have no problem discussing my idiot ancestors

Why don't we all simmer down now and enjoy some sepia pics of kids and dogs:

Its all how they are raised. If they are raised by assholes, they will act like assholes just like all those little annoying dogs people put in their purses. I have only been bit my little dogs, never by a pit bull or doberman or any other "scary" dog. The current situation of pit bulls is born out of ignorance.

I think we're on the same page, I'm just looking at the possible final outcomeof such relationships, similar to a case this week in LA. Kind of like a Drunk Uncle discussion.

If a stranger came up and put his hands on your throat, you bet your ass that's a crime and someone would hopefully call the police. But a husband does it to his wife? Oh, he's just playing, and everyone looks the other way.

Strangulation, or choking, is a sign of lethality. In the DV world, that means he's likely to KILL her. Strangulation is attempted murder; he's only sorry he got caught.

I think it is more a matter of feeling your hand do the deed... some people sit on their hand so they can't feel themselves stimulating themselves... I believe it is referred to as "The Stranger"

I smell a privilege... if you are privileged, then yea, you can open a store and sell unicorn farts to your hearts desire...

There are only 4 food groups: cheese, wine, meat, and plants. Everything else is frivolous.

Watch the The General's Daughter for one of the worst rape movies ever. Ugh.