I hate men. I said it and I meant it.
I hate men. I said it and I meant it.
You can be horrified at the tragic loss of someone’s pregnancy and not insist that the fetus be called a legal person, which it is not.
They’re not actually children.
I don’t see how that’s so confusing though. Willingly terminating an early pregnancy vs. having your pregnancy terminated by someone else against your will.
No.... one dead. One fetus gone.
To Todd (cause I sure as hell ain’t ungreying him)
I’m not sure how he is having fun, loving, relaxing, etc. with these women when he clearly holds them in such disdain.
Maybe you should sleep with women closer to your own age?
Disease and pregnancy are both legitimate anxieties for (some) women who have sex with men. “Dealing” with it (i.e. understanding and accommodating it if reasonable) should be part and parcel with fun, loving, relaxing, blah blah blah sex.
Your comment still makes no sense, and it’s creepy that you are so hell-bent on specifically focusing on such younger women, “average age” notwithstanding.
I’m a millennial in a long term monogamous relationship and I use condoms (I also have an IUD) almost every time. Like...why would I want semen inside of me? it doesn’t make it that much sexier and it’s 100% cleaner.
There’s one of you in every parenting thread!
My family ate dinner together everyday and nowadays we get along fine but we’re not particularly close. I guess I do have table manners.
“Of course we can’t judge. If you choose to do it (unlike your lover’s stitch!), and it makes you happy, go for it.”
Show us on the doll where the apple hurt you.
As though their shitty parenting didn’t contribute to any issues millennials have, who bought those trophies?!
I’m happy to hear the northern Colorado PP (the one I assume is serving most WY women) will stay open. That was the only place I could get exams and birth control when I was in college, and most of the other women in my dorm went there too because it was close by and inexpensive.
The other thing worth noting is that most Olds (lookin’ at you, Boomers) have no clue whatsoever just how much inflation has changed the value of money since when they were young and earning it.
It’s pretty simple. They hate women and brown people more than they love Jesus, and feeding that hate is more important to them to than anything they claim to believe in.
Because American Christianity is a fucking joke.