
... I think the point is not that this officer shouldn’t face consequences, but that all the white male officers who aren’t facing consequences should.

Til the last line breaks none of us are free.

Yes, I understand the facts. I’m saying I don’t think the situation would be the same if she weren’t female. I think her department would cover her murderous ass if she were a man. People seem to take this to mean that I don’t think she should she prosecuted. What I actually mean is that I don’t view this police

I don’t want to defend this officer in any way, but it sure is surprising the swiftness with which this action has been taken, how quick the condemnation and disavowels came from her own force. Wonder if her being a woman has anything to do with it. The thin blue (male) line.

Yes. How “strange” that a black man, when confronted by a cop, would put his hands in the air. It couldn’t possibly be that he wanted to preemptively signal that he was unarmed, given that so many other black person-cop interactions turn deadly without provocation.

Here’s a better pic. T.I. Posted it on his Twitter.

Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?

Does that guy actually watch Mr. Robot? I love the show, I’m rooting for Elliot, and I want to see Evil Corp burn to the ground, but let’s not kid ourselves: A show where main characters are anarchist hacktivists who make pirate broadcasts in disguise to make threats about potentially world-changing (and possibly even

Ok. Let’s clarify something here. Eating disorders aren’t diets.

I hate bike riders. They are entitled beyond belief. Whenever I’m in the left turn lane waiting for the left turn signal and there are bike riders waiting to go straight, without fail they go straight when the left turn signal goes on. So all of us waiting to go left have to wait for them as they steal our turn.

Getting children ready for a life of surveillance and the threat of the carceral state!

also sry that the fucking huffington post isn’t really my model for academic theory or really anything that requires a modicum of intellectual thought lol


I have said this before, and I will say it again- if you use the term “first world” and “third world” to distinguish between countries/ regions, you are stupid and need to take more history classes/ realize we are no longer in the Cold War.

While a lot of people are sue-happy, I can see the problem in this type of case. Would you really want your boss to be able to google you and find naked toddler pictures? I certainly wouldn’t.

I have no problem with this.

Wow, her parents sound like assholes. I hope she sues the pants right off them and wins.

False. You may lose your rights as a citizen, but you don’t lose your human rights.

While Ms. Manning’s a troubling figure to have to have as one of the major activists in the trans community, I can tell you as a trans veteran that regardless of legal status developments involving her are quite important, not only for her unique case but for the case of more conventional transgender veterans.

Ok ABC. Just end the competition now, give Laurie the mirror ball trophy, and give us 8-10 weeks of Laurie and Val dancing for an hour.