
I worked in Baghdad (development aid worker) for a few years, and these sorts of bombings with high death tolls were relatively commonplace. By the time I left, they were increasingly rare, and I truly believe as I boarded my last flight out of Iraq that things were on the upswing. My then-boyfriend (now husband) and

Please remember to be considerate of your neighbors this Independence Day weekend in the USA. While you may love fireworks, there may be a combat veteran suffering from PTSD close by. Try to remember that loud noises can scare people (and pets), especially late at night.

As a lifetime hair remover, nothing bugs me more than being condescendingly lectured by other women that my partners are child molesters (“Oh my god! When it’s shaved, that’s how KIDS look! Why does he want to fuck a kid though?!”). Surprise: there are other secondary sexual characteristics besides hair that

Meh. It’s a bad (as in, unfunny) joke, but I’m not entirely sure the outrage is justified.

There are still gymnasts like that in the sport that tend to excel more on dance elements, but I love that gymnastics is celebrating strength and power in these young women. It’s gymnastics, not accelerated dance.

Biles is an outlier in every sense. In an era where former superpowers in the sport are struggling to get consistent results with this code of points from their athletes, Biles has execution and difficulty scores a half to full point higher than her competitors (giving her an insurmountably huge lead) AND also

In my mind’s imagination, T&T hooked up at that epic dance-off at the Met thing, and she got knocked up. It’s not Calvin’s because they hadn’t been intimate for a while. They are both happy and cognizant that this relationship needs to be fast-tracked so the baby situation doesn’t blow up TS’ rep. That’s why TS’s dad

You know at this point I don’t really care about placating these assholes. I’d say yes, damn right...we ARE coming for your guns. Every fucking one of them.

The correct term is “Militia.” We have untrained* militia blasting away at shoplifters -vomit

She is honestly a neoliberal warmonger. I mean, I’ll vote for her, because she’s not a fascist demagogue, but still...

from about an hour ago

I will be happy to hold my nose and vote for this lesser evil. (And I don’t mean that sarcastically. First major female presidential nominee is a pretty dece consolation prize.)

“Or at least be honest about why they don’t support her”

Oh yes it’s terrible, insufferable. Skip the book, watch the movie and hate that instead - much more efficient.

It would seem the rapist-acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Happy-go-fuck yourself, sir.

I personally think that if someone is willing to and wants to work for a lower wage, than someone else, they should have the right to do so. There is something to be said about allowing people to freely contract out their time at a wage they feel comfortable with.

Actually they do. Statistically women live longer without a husband to take care of. Men live longer with a wife to take care of them.

There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I

This isn’t universally true though. Some children had stay at home moms where maternity leave wasn’t an issue. And I agree to some extent that the time is for the child, but the decision to have a kid is made by the parents. So the fact that the time is for the child doesn’t really help the coworkers who may be