
Her turnout is...not good. And she doesn't have the feet.

I know, I was feeling bad for thinking the same thing. As my old ballet teacher would say, those feet are...difficult.

On the one hand, good for her.

More power to her!! But....she has a long way to go technique wise to be the star she’s dreaming of being! Ballet is hard :-/

Real gillys know this to be true.

I think you are really stretching this one.

Eh... I kinda feel like this article should have mentioned that her visits were not always successful. “She let the baby choke on Goldfish crackers; she didn’t hold on to her as she went down the playground slide; she didn’t grab her as she ran toward the street — even though the toddler was less than an arm’s length

Did you read the full linked article, not just this write-up? I’m honestly asking, not being snarky. Because from what I read, I think removing the child from the home was a totally appropriate move. Why do you think they should’ve left the baby with a mom who couldn’t keep her safe, and grandparents with a history of

I think it’s okay to offend adults when children are involved. No child deserves to be treated like a learning experience for an adult who isn’t competent.

It was more than that she missed a feeding and had trouble with the diaper:

Unpopular opinion: I think calling child services was the right choice. I have a relative with a similar IQ who was the single parent of his daughter, and she turned out alive...but not great. She did not have the kind of advocate a child with a typically-abled parent would. Kids need more than to be fed, clothed, and

Sigh. I have a learning-disabled parent with a below-average IQ. Not 70, but not great. I have a lot of feelings about this article but I’ll sum it up with, “I think intellectually disabled people can be great parents, but they are also not always ideal parents and their children will face many, many hurdles that go

Tilda Swinton maybe? We all know she and Bowie were grown in a lab together somewhere anyway...

You know, imagine if there just was some way for all people to receive proper heath care, (hint: with a single payer system).

The phrase “eat a cheeseburger” is so incredibly obnoxious and body-shame-y. She’s naturally very thin, always has been, probably always will be. There are things that can rightfully said about her as far as her opinions and actions, but I don't understand why her body always has to be brought into it.

I have no idea about that either. I’m assuming a duty of care once he came out breathing, but it boggles the mind.

I’m sure they really appreciate you plastering their names and faces all over the internet

More because there’s so many different female characters with different ways of being badass. We’ve Angharad, who’s a practical pacifist (“We agreed! No unnecessary killing!”) who’s biggest and best moment comes after railing mightily that “We Are Not Things” that, actually, the fact that others see her and her unborn

Real talk though, it is a bit of a comedy.

get out.