
You sooooo don’t have a 5-year-old.

You can’t be serious, can you? I have never and would never pee in a sink unless I were imprisoned or something.

People love us. Without us Times Square is boring. Many tourists come here to see us.”

Short men don’t get rejected by short women. They get rejected by tall women who want to date men they can look in the eye.

Honey, these days EVERYONE is a geek. Open your eyes and look.

This sadly applies to a lot of aspects of third wave feminism. You said it in your comment - we don’t make choices in a vacuum. So many feminists (especially on this site) will argue until they’re blue in the face trying to validate their choices as having nothing to do with the patriarchy, but it would be easier to

Perhaps, but I think on some level it just is what it is. I (6’ straight guy) for instance find tall women incredibly attractive. I don’t know of any particular reason for it, and it goes against the basic expectation (I’ve dated a few women as tall or taller than me), it’s just a matter of attraction. I don’t rule

I just want you know that I did in fact examine my biases (with a certified therapist at that) and I a still came out bias.

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be social suicide.—

Nope. Tall guys only. My therapist asked me about it once and I just doubled down. I won’t be reasoned with.

it’s natural to want to defend your country but publicly sanctioned punishment rapes might not be the best hill to die on...

Wrong. People are not pressured in to thinking that. They are however held accountable for their words and actions. If you commit to a relationship, society holds you accountable. If that relationship means you agree to only fuck one another, there you go. If that relationship means you agree to fuck others, there you

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

If you’re a young woman whose physical life is very, very restricted, why not set your mind free with learning? Even prisoners with life sentences often work toward their GEDs inside, right?

Settle down Josh.

I disagree. She has no education, no assets, no work experience, and four children to care for - she can’t decide for herself to do anything, because how would she? And, she’s been brainwashed to believe she can only follow a male leader - be it her husband, father, or church leader. Her brother is doing the right

People are willing to believe a 15-year-old has more sexual agency than an adult, if the adult is a woman and the child is male. That’s why people might feel sorry for her, or think she’s mentally ill, or think the young boy made a choice in the matter while the grown woman had no say.

I stop being friends with them. And now, in my 27th year, I have thinned out my friend ranks because it’s not my job to educate or enlighten or try to change people’s minds. There’s no way in hell I can act civilly with the lady I went to high school with who’s intensely pro-birth/anti-choice. I don’t have the drive

I mean, they are working for tips (mostly from men I’m sure) by sexualizing their bodies. Nuthin wrong with that but don’t sell it to me as some kind of “empowerment” BS cause it aint, it’s a symptom of a patriarchal culture. And my goodness you should not have to qualify your opinion by stating you’re not a prude

Come sit by me. Everything doesn’t need to be out on front street.