
It's not a phobia. It's a trigger. There's a difference. Having a dick inside me is fine. Touching one with my hands is fine. Putting one in my mouth can trigger flashbacks, panic attacks, etc. If I were with someone who had a similar trigger, I'd be understanding. I wouldn't pressure them to get help either (although

I really resent the implication that anyone's sexual boundaries might indicate they are somehow mentally ill. My abusive as fuck ex used to pull this shit on me all the time, trying to coerce me into sex acts that were painful and unpleasant for me by telling me I had psychosexual issues because I didn't want to do

Okay, so I get this reaction a lot, and I generally have to go into excruciating detail about why I do not perform oral sex on men (which is actually pretty horrific and I don't like reliving it), but I think I'm going to save it this time.

You're totally not like most girls. You're a Cool Girl.

It might even be a rational fear of him not listening to her and ignoring her boundaries.

What a strong foundation your relationship is built upon. Hopefully nothing ever happens that makes you unable to please him sexually, lest he move on to someone else who gives him a lot of reasons to be with them.

If I told my husband that I wasn't comfortable with a particular sexual act and his response was "that is such a turn-off", I might never have sex with him again.

That girl sounds a little mean, to be honest. My guy also gives me the ol' heads up while I'm giving head, and I appreciate it.

As I've said in many other posts about the lousiness of present-day air travel, this is what happens when you democratize the skies. Want glamour and a hint of comfort? Charge more/pay more. Airlines shouldn't be the Greyhound of the air, but that's what they've become. We as a nation depend on jetliners to do what

Today in obvious news: forced birth turns out to be a bad idea! More at 11.

You'd think any school that forces its gay students to stay in the closet would be all about beards.

I can't believe Fox News defended a Blonde White Woman. I didn't see that one coming.

So two friends of yours should dictate that millions of other women should be treated like idiots? What bullshit. And fuck your waiting period, too. Are you really daft enough to think that most women schedule abortions like one would schedule a pedicure?

You're fucking delusional. A pre-fetal clump of cells is not a grandkid (or "child" LOL) any more than a sperm.

What is this "American Horror Story"?

Q8: Have you never seen Total Recall?

Poor defensive strategy, Jasmine. Men have been waiting for this since Total Recall first came out in 1990.

My entire life, I've been told how important breakfast is, but that doesn't change the fact that if I eat in the morning, I feel like I'm going to barf. I've tried different foods, different amounts, blah blah- same result: I feel nauseous all morning.

Now, that's a regular going to work morning. If I can take a good

...PTSD is by its nature chronic. And if you've been diagnosed, you know how expensive it can be. So try to extend your deep compassion to people who don't have a doctor's stamp yet, and to people who do have a fucking eating disorder and had as much choice in developing it as you did in developing PTSD.

Also. If you

Cue everyone who hates tattoos coming in and commenting about how they're ugly and stupid and the decision to get tattoos is all about wanting to be "cool" or "different"...