
Is this the Hollywood version of asking women to smile more?

I'd rather just buy jars of Nutella and spoon it into my mouth. No need to get fancy.

Reclining is a jerk move.

Thank you. You win. Whatever will GOT viewers do with one less naked woman in their constant supply of gratuitous, male gaze-driven, female nudity?


I watched "Only Lovers Left Alive" yesterday and "Snowpiercer" last week. It's like I'm on a Tilda and John Hurt binge. Trying to figure out what's good to watch in a similar vein. I also want to practice guitar (piano.. taken care of.) Meanwhile, I'm eating a veggie chicken patty on bread with cheese and tomato and

May I have shuffled off this mortal coil before water riots and insect protein become the norm.

Forcing your religious beliefs on others is not a right under the Constitution.

Yeah, my parents were too poor for a crib right away. I also slept in a dresser drawer for weeks after birth apparently. Bureau babies 4 lyfe!

My husband had a new private with a wife and child who'd gotten a car with a 30% interest rate. His first sergeant made him take it back. That type of predatory behavior isn't uncommon in military towns. Young guys who have no idea how to manage money and that paycheck burning a hole in their pocket because all

[Apropos nothing, your screen name rawks. John Singer Sargent came up in a conversation today.....]

Couldn't agree more. It's like when supermodels and pop stars come out and opine that "any little girl can be me if they want it badly enough". Total bollocks. Only a tiny minority of people could ever hope to succeed in these areas, and many are excluded by factors they can't change, no matter how much they "will

I get the underlying theme of your comment. I do.

That's President *Coin to you, Mark

President Coin, surely?

You say the business can't afford to absorb the cost, but you think a minimum wage employee can? Instead of a business that grosses $30 million? Think about that for a second.

I don't care about the independent restaurant owner perspective. You DON'T steal from your employees. There is no excuse for this. And even worse it turns out this restaurant is very profitable.

your current partner looking at naked photos of an ex isn't something you need to get over. It's something he needs to not be doing.

I guess what I don't understand is the idea that all people have the right to have children, to the extent that they can hire other womens' reproductive systems to do it. Like, I empathize with the profound sense of loss and grief that childless couples feel when they realize that the family they've aways dreamed of