
Is any sport really immune from this?

Real competitive cheer has very little to do with clapping for boys... Maybe tell them she can try gymnastics and tumbling when she gets older? Similar skills, fewer skirts.

Mervyn Peake

Perhaps, but this is not an "or" situation. Perhaps there is an underlying disorder, AND society is generally pretty horrible to trans teens.

Okay, maybe I am misunderstanding you but it basically seems like you are saying that kids threaten suicide for attention and to hold people hostage to recognize them as trans and that it's "bullshit." I'm not sure how else to interpret it.

I have no idea, someone else brought it up.

Respected academics and doctors used to say all sorts of damaging and horrible things about people. Some still do. I don't see how this changes the way we need to take seriously kids who wish they were dead.

I really don't think it's fair to call suicide attempts or acts bullshit, even if you are within the community in question. And I don't understand why you are so adamantly opposed to people caring for the health and happiness of trans teens. The fear that these kids want to die is a pretty legitimate one. No

Um...yeah...putting aside for a moment the fact that you linked a freaking Wikipedia article, if you actually read the article and look at the citations, the takeaway is not, in fact, that trans suicide rates are made up.

By all means, enlighten us.

It isn't retribution. It isn't a threat. It isn't kids having a temper tantrum because they want to do what they want. It's simply a statistical reality that suicide rates are frighteningly high among trans kids and that often having a family that isn't supportive is a contributing factor to the kid's depression

No one is celebrating this. People are using the moment that trans issues are in the spotlight to promote supporting trans kids and to point out that the absolute worst outcome can and does occur if we do not support and love these kids like they deserve.

They did not love their child. They loved an idea of a child that did not exist.

Actually, you are dead wrong. They are in fact the Air Police and servicing passengers is literally zero percent of their primary function.

Your mom sounds like me. I asked for crafting supplies for a specific project I'm working on right now.

My first time was with a pretty great guy, actually, who by all accounts continues to be a pretty great guy to this day. He was a wonderful boyfriend to me (we were together about a year during high school), and now is apparently in a fairly popular metal band. So, that's cool. I'm kind of proud of him that he

Marriages should just automatically expire after ten years and you should have to go down to the courthouse once per decade and file paperwork to renew if you want to keep going.

So you're saying that Pantone people are the Illuminati?

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