Porco Rosso

Still a Hadrosaur, not a new “kind” of animal, nor a transition from one kind to another.

It’s like a sneak peak at Vanity Fair covers in 2035

Wow, the HGTV Home Show Simulator 2016

He put a clock in a box.
Clock in a box
Clock in a box

Oh, have you written anything in defense of the church or your faith? My wife and I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with Christian churches, both at home and where we moved to. Christ loves the Church, it is His Bride, and yet you seem more destructive than constructive in your words towards Her.

Get some prescription goggles.

That gif is from the point when Jack Nicholson is possessed, so I guess you should be careful relating.

Where are the Atheist soup kitchens? Where are the Atheist missions on skid-row? Where are secular institutions with drop boxes for mothers who don’t want to/can’t take care of their disabled (often) children?
It’s fun to give an outlier a megaphone and giggle while she makes fun of those “Crazy Christians,” but why

Too Long, Didn’t Read...
I think it’s origins were when congress passed Obamacare.

White knight says like who you like without acknowledging limits on his statement...possible pedophile apologist.

Iran is more popular among liberals than conservative Americans, and as for bigotry, it’s the liberals that will get you fired for making a “dongle” joke.

Except you couldn't be more wrong... The sjws and feminazis vote liberal by rule.

They actually have solder problems compared to our old systems. If they could use leaded solder, RRoD and YLoD would have been close to non-existent.

yeah, cause obviously, being a football player is the best thing anyone could ever be, and any other direction in life is a punishment, hence your sarcasm.

you sound a little judgy .

Were you instructed to wear a brace when doing “things” again?

I don’t understand why he didn’t have a knee brace on. I thought it was standard practice to be fitted for one (I had a Don Joy “legend”) and that you had to wear it for ANY athletic activities. Mine was a patellar ligament replacement fix.

Awesome, I can make my own Piltdown Man!

The Shining

It’s called “ Send Me to Hell”