
It makes no sense to get upset over imagery in a work of fiction until you know in what context the imagery is being used. Also, a depiction of a fictionalized world is likely to contain portrayals of real bigotry, especially one set in this universe, so it’s not appropriate to assume that just because bigotry is

honestly these days you cant say anything without someone thinking your offending someone. usually when the person is calling that out, they arnt part of the community they think someone is offending.

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Call me a pessimist, but this looks like a killer game...as in, it will kill Bioware.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like