
They say that he has —

Whatever little point the fiction scribbler may have had, it fell apart when she decreed that LGBT people do not have an identity. I don’t know what stupid idea this obscure person has about personhood or identity, but ... wow. What an idiot.

To know, know, know her is to fuck, fuck, fuck her.....

How will he pull a gun on the next one?

People banged when they heard about his performance? That’s awesome.

No, it’s creating an in-group and being hateful to people outside it. The entire Congressional Black Caucus, for instance, is on the enemy list for the Sanders supporters.

Sanders’s main message during the primary was “Hillary Clinton is a whore and every vote for her is a crime.” Not surprised he can’t walk that one back!

Oh if only she had chosen Bernie?

Ha ha ha ha ha

He makes a cogent argument.

When is that not true?

The side dish heard round the world.

Good lord she's 40.

As with Trump, all decent human beings today proclaim, “Oh my gawd, will *this* finally be the lie that breaks apart this campaign of falsehood and deception?”

It could have been funny, boiled down to a hundred words or so. By the seventy-seventh ginormous (enormous vagina) paragraph, I was done.

He would have acted if they had had consensual sex, though.

The mispelling of coconut water seems to be unconsciously veering toward coCUNuT.

Darn. I was hoping for the avalanche of Bernie Bros screaming “He’s a whore! A whore!”

I feel bad for this kid. I, too, was once using meth everyday and staggering around from confusing scene to confusing scene. That gives me some sympathy.

And then the avalanche of comments claiming that she killed all of the women that Bill raped. Ah, the Brrners....