Thing is... It really is the most obvious explanation.
Thing is... It really is the most obvious explanation.
Yeah, he apparently hallucinated his entire post-Vietnam life as he lay dying in the O.R. of some field hospital during the war. TBH, the ending left me kind of flat.
A lot of people have told me that this movie is great but, well... I disagree. Anyone that has ever read Ambrose Bierce could see the “Twist” coming within about 10 minutes of the start of the movie. To me, the movie is an exercise in weirdness just for weirdness sake and not a truly good film.
As well made as it was that ending just killed the movie for me
I wouldn’t say I “hate” the character, but I could definitely do without it. I felt like Rose was a shoehorned character in a part of the movie that’s severely underwritten. Rose and the trek to the casino planet are the worst parts of an otherwise decent movie for me. It served no purpose. It just killed time. The…
Obviously, hatred toward Tran herself is absurd; she’s an actress playing a role.
I didn’t hate the character, I thought she was good, up until that stupid “im going to crash into Finn probably killing us both, but maybe not killing us both right front of the enemy who will probably kill us both, because Love, i guess?”
Days after the movie was released, those of us that were rational about not liking TLJ were immediatly lumped in with misogynists by the ardent defenders of the movie.
How can people hate women in space movies when the greatest sci-fi protagonist in film is Ellen Ripley? Anyways, The Last Jedi sucked ass but that is hardly Ms. Tran’s (or any of the other actors really) fault. She did the best she could in a terribly written movie.
I (adult female who’s never had a problem liking Star Wars until lately and has been a fan for literally as long as I can remember) found Rose gratingly annoying (and did not find her tasing Finn for a cheap laugh at all funny), she was part of a boring, pointless, wild goose chase plot that ate up time in a movie…
Personally, she doesn’t really “fit” with the tone of Star Wars. She feels like a Marvel character displaced in the Star Wars universe.
I only hated the character insomuch as I hated the entire plot with her and Finn. I’m certainly open to the possibility that I would enjoy the character in the next movie.
I thought her character was godawful, but as Mr. Majestyk said above, it had nothing to do with race or gender, and everyone that’s shitting on the actress for the character is a giant piece of shit that ought to be flushed.
Personally, I found the character to just be grating; she felt like a tagalong buzzkill, and…
George Lucas may not have been “bullied off line” but he almost certainly would have been if social media was a thing back then. The anger at him was quite intense.
It drives me crazy that anyone who dislikes The Last Jedi is automatically painted as a misogynist racist neckbeard. That movie was a hot mess and there are plenty of reasons to dislike it that have nothing to do with the presence of minority female characters. In broad terms a movie that’s marketed as a fun adventure…
I had a more emotional connection to her sister, who didn’t have any dialogue or even a name (did she? I can’t remember) than I did to Rose, who took up a big chunk of the movie. I didn’t hate the character, but I do not like how they are setting up a big love triangle with her, Rey and Finn.
to be fair, all her instagram posts were erotic drawings of jar jar binks.
Great film that I wish more people would see, I describe it as a mix between Sexy Beast and True Detective season 1.
Dude, the build up to Darth Maul was almost as great as the build up to the first prequel itself. He went out like a punk in five seconds. It was fantastic marketing and sold a ton of merch, but don’t tell me he was worth the hype or “cool AF”. (Disclaimer: I don’t pretend to know the EU. Maybe he was awesome for like…
I’m pretty sure this has been ‘invented’ at least once a day since both eggs and instant ramen has existed.