Well then you defeat yourself. We weren’t always a nation of guns. Gun manufacturer’s made it that way. We can unmake it. But it’ll only happen if everyone gets on board and fights... won’t happen if people like you give up before the fight is over.
Well then you defeat yourself. We weren’t always a nation of guns. Gun manufacturer’s made it that way. We can unmake it. But it’ll only happen if everyone gets on board and fights... won’t happen if people like you give up before the fight is over.
No, I honestly don’t. Not in our lifetime, anyway. This country is rock-fucking-stupid and selfish to its rotten core. As fundamentally evil as the NRA is, it’s just the symptom, not the disease. It never would’ve gained the lobbying power it has now if there weren’t enough gun-fucking morons in America convinced the…
I applaud the amount of restraint it must have taken to avoid mentioning Black Widow anywhere in this review.
This is a rabbit who gets biz-zay.
Conservatives are allergic to facts.
“Joyless” — so, a protagonist triggering anaphylactic shock in someone in the middle of a kids movie is a cause for “joy”? Got it - thanks for clearing that up.
While it often comes across like a violent porn parody of Blade Runner, I’m enjoying Altered Carbon.
I like this scene. I dislike the movie (like, a whole bunch). It’s not complicated.
It’s a good point, but mightn’t there be a strange paradox at the heart of it. Seems like the indie-darling directors would be the perfect candidates to reinvest the action with some soul. Lucas was pretty much a ‘70s version of an indie darling when he made the first SW, after all (and he had Marcia!).
I like the movie all right - there are parts I adore. And I don’t mean to be a internet contrarian . . . but that fight scene really falls flat for me. I know I’m alone on this, but to me it’s an example of part of the problems the new trilogy is grappling with. It’s beautiful, and well choreographed, and when it…
This is the unfortunate side effect of budget cuts. No location shooting, dingy featureless sets that look the same (because they are, by and large, actually the same sets shot from different angles). I’m not all that surprised that there wasn’t a true zero-g fight because there was no justification for paying for it…
No, I’m not mad. I don’t care either way. Luke is gone, that’s fine. But Abrams clearly cared about Rey’s birth, and I can imagine him saying that Kylo lied or Kylo didn’t know the truth or some other bullshit and undoing what Rian did.
Not particularly related, but since you used the phrase “you mad” I’m going to…
As much as I liked this storyline to start with, it has definitely gone on too long. I think part of it is what a growing sentiment a lot of people have: Not enough variety in the locations. Almost every set this season has looked the same and the dim lighting isn’t helping any.
On the one hand, it’s somewhat of a positive that the directors have some free rein with the story. That means anything I didn’t like I can blame Rian Johnson for. On the other hand, it’s disappointing this trilogy isn’t planned particularly well. Since Abrams is coming back for the next one, then I might as well…
He flew faster than light? I feel like he should use that power more often.
Superman II is a bit of a mess but it’s got Zod. How you gonna deny Zod? You’re not, you can’t even try.
FYI - Superman doesn’t reverse time by making the planet spin backward. He flies faster than the speed of light, and the planet going backward is a visual representation of time reversing.
I'd never even heard of the comic (and wouldn't have read it if I had) so I can't tell if they're miscast or not, but my first thought on seeing the trailer was how instantly unappealing the two leads seem. They feel less like the devil-may-care heroes of a space adventure and more like the mean rich stepsiblings in a…