
What a jerk

Brian Eno?

It will be just be Frasier and his rebellious hot daughter

What a bunch of fuckwits

I actually thought it was Marc Maron driving that car in Endgame

Hilarious episode, definitely an A

I bet they’re both in their 40's

Drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. Fixed it. 

So, I guess the Klingons are also going to keep quiet about everything they encountered with Discovery? And that “yum yum” line was atrocious.

Wouldn't that make it saltier? 

I wonder if they watched Finding Neverland

Haha, that was such a shit ending! Plus I don't think many of the fight coordinators on this show have ever been in a fight. I'm pretty positive the directors only know fighting from watching WWE. Grunt..huaa...grunt..rrrrrr. In real life it's pretty quiet apart from expletives and the sound of flesh on bone.

Go fuck yourself too.

Go fuck yourself.

Or he's a publicity seeking dick. 

I'm guessing he'll be written out now. 

Go fuck yourself.


He looks like the type of guy who would rape a comatose woman 

Quartermass and the Pit is is a really good, creepy sci-fi movie.