
That's not even including the legit metal from '97 to counteract the Limp Bizkit bullshit. 1997 had Deftones' Around the Fur, Devin Townsend's Biomech, Enslaved's Eld, Faith No More's Album of the Year, Rammstein's Sehnsucht, Strapping Young Lad's City, and a bunch more.

Here's the thing with Korn. Their debut album was raw anger and I will defend it as the only good album they ever made. The problem was that they got all their rage out and it was super cathartic. And then album 2 was a watered down version, and by album 3 they're famous and singing about how they've "got the life".

I'll never like Sugar Ray, but I appreciate that McGrath can laugh at himself now. Smash Mouth on the other hand still takes themselves seriously.

I won't defend the rest of the bands mentioned in the opening paragraph, except to say that Live was a legitimate alternative rock act at the time. Their debut album was in 1991 (and one under a different name in '89), so you can't really say they were a "Seattle clone". They didn't play grunge and that movement

I gotta go with Piledriver, Snatch, and Boo Boo Kitty as my top favorites.

Too bad they couldn't have gotten a Jennifer Grey cameo. Though I can see why they wouldn't want a scene of him running out into traffic.

DDT is absolutely ridiculous, so I'm not surprised. They have a 24/7 title belt that has been won by a dog, a ladder, a plate of sushi, and one time the belt won itself. This is actually pretty tame for them.

"Reveals" is more fitting I suppose.

Both seasons so far have done an episode with a twist you saw coming coupled with a twist you didn't. Jail wasn't a huge surprise (though like you, most thought it was a mental institution or halfway house), but I damn near jumped out of my seat when Leon stomped a knife into a dude's ass and revealed his connection

If I eat food, there won't be enough room for Marduk, slayer of Tiamat!

But he loves that Mingus Dew… The thinking man's pop!

Jon Hamm didn't just play any deranged sea base captain. He played Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murphy!

Well that's the most boring headline I've read in a while. "Movie will be called movie."

What people haven't been mentioning is that the situation was almost salvaged, until Horace tanked it with the mental illness comments. I'm not entirely sure why he did. Was he trying to one-up Sylvia? Or was he being extremely petty about the wine? It's almost out of character for him because Horace attempts to

This is why we can't have nice things.

It's really not that complicated, and makes perfect sense if you were paying attention to the dialogue in 2043. When they were trying to get a lock on Cole in 2043, they mentioned his last known coordinates were 2015 in Chechnya (the moment the missile hit), so they tried to take him forward from that point in time.

No Mary-Lynn Rajskub?

If it doesn't have Pancakes Kid, I won't see it.

What will they think of next? A show about a black US president? Harumph! Preposterous, I say! *rides off in horse-drawn buggy while sipping a phosphate*

For real, ever since the "Macklmore haircut" became popular I've been telling people it's the Hitler Youth haircut and nobody knows what that is.