904 GTS

Since P cars are SO VERY adjustable and modifyable, if you prefer just the rear wheel driven one, the C2 but find the PERFECT-for-YOU otherwise yet 4 wheel driven one, the C4, you van ALWAYS remove the front drive and all it’s components to achieve your objective. For a good P shop, it’s easy to do. Just keep working

Of course YOU CAN !!! Just need to focus better . . . ;- )

Love the 964 and all it’s derivatives ...

If you have the skill, or just a good driver, you just need to drive a well set up car. Then you’ll understand. Just make sure it’s a good set up car. Then prepare yourself to be smitten. ;-)

Remember, center lines are NO WALLS. They are just indicators where one ought to be. As long as they are not YELLOW, provided MOST IMPORTANTLY you have a GOOD LINE OF SIGHT, you can certainly use ALL THE ROAD you have contributed YOUR tax dollars to built. Just be carefull doing it. BE RESPONSIBLE and ABSOLUTELY __ DO

Not a P-factory issue but Zimmermann’s creation, the brilliant aero designer of DP, (Design Plastik) Kremer brothers cleverly hired to create for them this STUNNING and the VERY LAST production car based 1979

You are a LUCKY girl !!!

Need to correct your dates at the very beginning of your article -

Oh, almost forgot -

Ha! You’ve noticed!

Whatever you do, keep on dreaming fo if they are doable and you intensly believe in them, they’ll happen eventually... Don’t loose your faith. ;- )


The 1st Singer Targa - The “Toronto” car, ended there eventually, after a visit to UK first . . .

There are so many really great sounding exhaust for all P cars, it would make your head spin.

If you have a chance to drive both Porsche cars, the non as well as the hydraulically assisted power steering one, you’ll find both are trully EXCELLENT. Clearly, the non-powered one is jus a joy to operate as it is very communicative through your hands. But the hydraulic one likewise. A bit differen feel, to be sure

A bit too soft in the rear and bit too hard in the front, I see...

Or you can go further and back-date the 964, like this one, if you like the earlier up to ‘73 version’s appearance . . .


Are you sure this is a T-38? When I was in USAF, I clearly remember them being side-by-side seaters, not tandem. Perhaps a later version?

The owner is a great P-car enthusiast thus his garages are full of them. Some old and some new, all very special. Since they all need to be exercised, I would guess he puts 200-300 miles on each year, all on beautiful days, all on paved roads. Prefers the un-muffled sound, so why not ,,,