Yep. Zapp’s forever. Best chips ever. Man I miss NOLA.
Yep. Zapp’s forever. Best chips ever. Man I miss NOLA.
I love when white people complain about
The rise of Nazism and extremism is BECAUSE we’re integrating and doing it better. An ethnic majority (soon to simply be a plurality) is facing down a loss of power and privilege in a democracy when they’re no longer guaranteed control.
+1 for anything Zapp’s
Modern vehicles are very efficient when idling, and it’s not like it normally takes 30 minutes to go through a drive-thru. Complaining about emissions is silly. Driving to the restaurant eating in and then driving home is going to cause a similar amount of emissions.
So I guess it’s ok to make fun of a woman’s medical condition, but not okay to make a scene if you’re a person of color.
First of all, ALL the cases in the dept he was in charge of need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.
The primary reason we’ve been trying to tidy up our food areas is so that we’ll actually use stuff. If it’s hidden, it’s forgotten, and then expired and tossed. Our organization efforts aren’t for esthetics, it’s to reduce waste and support a more varied diet.
Look on the bright side there will be one less African American for the shameless Chris Rock to crack on if he is invited to host the Oscars in the future. I mean what type of blackman cracks a joke about a black actress boycotting the very industry she is employed in to draw attention to a lack of diversity when…
At least for 99 Ranch, if you don’t have (or want) a membership card, just say you don’t have it and the checkout person will swipe one for you anyway. I don’t think they do much with discounts anymore. Mostly points for..something I’ve never paid attention to.
> Toasters take up to much counter space
If you’re going to save money, you have to A) look at it as a long-term investment, not just one year, and B) go into it with savings as a goal and develop strategies towards that end. I definitely save money, but I really had to examine how I could make it happen.
this was something that drove me crazy during covid shut downs. “buy giftcards to keep this restaurant open?” why would I do that. would they crowdfund for me if I started missing mortgage payments?
No one knows how to not piss off a cop while Black.
It’s 2022. No one likes slide shows.
This. Is. Ridiculous.
Better just to get the salad in the fried tortilla bowl instead. Maybe more restaurants should sell other salads in these instead of just taco salads. Hmmm...
anyone who thinks tomatoes are easy have never tried to grow them. they are... finicky.
Let me introduce you to the states where pickup ownership and drive-through liquor stores are more common than cars and walk in only liquor stores.
What kind of fake news is this? What about the third type of person who isn’t a psycho and just eats their fries in between bites of burger until both are gone?