
Hmmm What? Ah I see they have so much faith in this game they used old production art to sell it? Game fail just as the movie shall fail, don't think a whole lot of people we're looking for a Prince of Persia movie to begin with.

@Crookie: Ok this begs the question how did the dude in the end of Soprano's get his head run over? Was he in NY?

@jayntampa: Weird, made it through 30 years in life never hearing of such a thing. Then again never been to New Jersey or Oregon.

The fact that you can't pump gas in Oregon is the most insane part of this story.

@Vizion28: You only missed placed your post by one article, but good luck on the breeding part.

Phantasy Star II

Rouge Leader will always be my go to "Hoth" battle that and Death Star Runs. Still have the gamecube and the game in the entertainment center for this reason. I was raised on Atari 2600 Hoth though. When I learned how to fake sick and stay home and play video games all day.

I think there's room for different pricing models, with all 3 major consoles having online buying options. Not that Namco/Bandai makes "Epic" games anyway that I'm aware of. I know they put out some JRPGS. Then again he has a point, I had to pass on Alan Wake this week and have some interest in Super Mario Galaxy 2,

@thepenguin55: Mine was doing that yesterday but had a driver in the cart. That was fun to watch. The horse and the cart ended up on the train track so I decided to stay and watch.

@Pornosaur: Update: I was sitting here watching one trying to find something to record it with and I think the jumping finally let the cart escape earth's gravity, since it just rocket about a 1000 feet in the air.

Ha, right now in my single player game there is a physics bug where all the horse drawn carriages and carts bounce up and down like they are on hydraulics.

@Nintendud: How many wii games have a giant multiplayer community logging on at day one? I haven't seen any game-crippling glitches in the single player game if it makes any difference.

@dumanue: I think this could be more of an issue of sheer scale of the player community. Look to Warcraft, each patch release on that goes through a backward bug fix. I have faith that these glitchs will get addressed in time, I'll just need a little patience I suppose.

Seen it a lot last night in the Multiplayer Free Roam section. Didn't have any issues in actual "matches". Although I did see a particularly funny glitch a few times where while ducking for cover and attempting to jump over it at the same time shoots you 30 feet straight in the air to land with a thud. I've done it

Hmm judging from the comments now I have to pull my gamecube out of the closet and try F-Zero GX.

My fav part is a toss up between the "Nuke" launch and the Protoss pwning everything, per usual.

@AerintheGREAT: No I'm referring to the first BattleToads game on the 8 bit nintedo entertainment system. The one that let you get to the 3rd level then made you insane. Like Rare was doing a preview to Eternal Darkness.

Judging by those angles, Eddie Murphy does not want that in the tub.

@AerintheGREAT: me thinks you didn't play the first Battletoads game on the NES