Laugh that list of games made me forget about Mega Man 1, list is fail.
Laugh that list of games made me forget about Mega Man 1, list is fail.
@AlienRopeBurn: You're right, it was more bad control on the original TMNT on the NES. My battletoads argument still stands though, stupid rocket levels. I'm sure I could pass them now memorizing a youtube vid.
@nottsville: not sure how old you are but you did use "younger days", I'm guessing you never played the 3rd level "city" in Ghosts N Goblins, makes Ghouls n Ghosts feel like I'm playing on invincible :)
Umm, move battletoads up to #1, you can beat Ninja Gaiden "Black" through trial and error, and continue. Where is TMNT konami/ultra games.
@ZFK: I'd agree those were both very short games, although ME2 with it's play-through speech options is the longer game. But not long hauls by any stretch. I kind of miss the bang for the buck 70-80 hour play times. I spent 2 years running around in Fallout 3, finally beat it last week with all bobble heads.
Phantasy Star II, of course it cost $79 American to play back in 1989. It's still a game that no single player RPG'er (that a word) should let his life go without experiencing. I obsessed with that game for many an hour.
Luke as much as I love you, you really do go back to the same old "stereo-type" with your dislike for online games. Do you have a posse? :P
Depends, I'd still argue that Smash TV is the greatest game ever made for two people with dual analoge controllers.
I agree with the guy saying R-Type should be represented last in a line before the hell of bullets.
Beyond the hideous fails on this list I scoff at most openly the Zork to Tetris run. Sure Zork was a good flip a page but I got 1.4mb floppies lying around that clown Zork.
@Godmars: dying?
@GohanEgret: That looks pretty good, like old activison box art.
So hyped for Red Dead, I don't even remember the last time I was in such a hurry for Monday midnight to get here. They should have held off on Alan Wake for another month, but I do want to check that one out also.
U2 no thanks, Zeppelin I'm at a midnight release, Pink Floyd sounds good in theory but there are so many long drawn out non traditional instrument soundscapes. I'd still buy Floyd anyway though probably.
I'm getting Conviction from Gamefly either today or tomorrow so I'm covered till Tuesday when my most anticipated game of the year drops.
Even though I knew MW2 was going to not sell as well on the PC, I was shocked when they showed the numbers here on Kotaku one day. Looks like Treyarch got the memo on that one.
@contrapositive: I think your "Graphix" card story is your fault since you didn't ask him what kind of system he was running
@PAULINK: I hope you at least went to Ravenholm, although nobody goes there anymore...
@nipsen: Hmm let's see, cool graphics, fantastic physics, great environments, how far did you get exactly?
No Battlefield 42 or 2? come on