
@dLMN8R: That's why I said it didn't affect RTS in the first sentence. Just find the limiting options in all pc games troubling.

From the comments it sounds like this doesn't really affect 2/4 player RTS games, but I'm sad by the no dedicated server trend as of late. I'm not encouraged either by things like Modern Warfare's IWnet. What a piece of garbage that thing is.

They aren't building a house, they are just painting one, they could get it done in a year. But then again this is Japanese game developer speak and that stuff is bananas. Like when you weep about dvd storage and are ready on the backside with DLC.

Bummed about AvP wanted to love this game :( At least it's only a couple more tuesdays until I'm back on the battlefield.

@freakotaku14: Yeah I'm in the beta too and have trouble explaining the visuals. The best I could put is it's like your watching a not quite high def movie of the game but your actually controlling it.

@AncientUnknown1: The Beta as it stands right now could probably be a released product. But it still needs tweaking I say. I don't think anyones ever even touched a Phantom before, including the people making it.

@iRikada: I've been in the beta for a couple months. I don't think it's quite there yet but they said a new beta version is releasing soon.

No stage graphics? I always like the VF arenas this looks like that paint brush Street Fighter trailers.

Ha what a cop out for DLC, laughed out loud at this guy's "crying" and his "solution"

@Leftoverz: A year's worth of playing is worth $60 for me. Now I hope that night I was drinking and bought all the alternate costumes still works in this, but I'm highly doubtful.

Already had the ones I needed, which oddly enough was everything except Root Beer Tapper

Bioshock is Rapture, sure plasmids were kind of unique as a gameplay element, but the selling point of the game was to me at least, the underwater world/society.

@Tom Servo: I'd imagine Fallout 3 taking the most of your time, but all 3 are hallmarks in my book.

@Jezuz: Can confirm, bought a new copy today, codes in it

Does anyone have a lot of experience with Glyde? I have some old ps1 games I"m finally deciding to part with and I'm confused about making a listing for them. They don't appear to be selectable after I put the name in. Only as PSP and PS3 downloads. Does Glyde let you sell old games?

@one800higgins: Owen has been doing it on saturdays for awhile now. Thankfully it reminded me to hook up that amazon buy 2 get 1 free on 360 platinum hits today.