@Karth is Ego Tripping: /golf clap
@Karth is Ego Tripping: /golf clap
@DocSeuss: I think it's called real world, Gabe made fun of the Left for Dead 2 boycott douchebags in the perfect way possible. The big man is on a roll now with this idiot.
Play their bluff kid, but I'm guessing your a giant douche like most fanboys.
And this is why I think Apple is out of touch when it comes to games..... but the success of the Wii has made me double take a few times.
@Psudonym: to be fair though it was basically a misunderstanding of clayface's cell vs the room clayface's cell was in
@Psudonym: You missed it detective, if you go back up the other side of the room, there is a guy behind a metal door that makes creepy sounds. I'm thinking it's a joke on a producer more than a character.
Still needs to work on the "action" of boss fights, but I find myself engrossed with the "challenges" for some reason. Good show Rocksteady
@Adhominem: well put
Well at least 2 people I won't have to hear whining about how they are getting raped by Valve with Left For Dead 2. It's a start.
@wildweasel: it will get you disemvolwed if you say such things
@bluem4gic: you had me at "Now you why"
mm drgs r bd mmky
They need to send Stephen out for a bit of sun.
@Aint Life Granderson: I think the full season suspension was because he continued to do the bat shit dance after throwing the punch.
@J Money BS: It wasn't so much a backpedal, more of an Ali just knocked you out dance off.
Ah the old tiger games on WJR out of Detroit, the roar in 84. Maybe Tigers can send him out with one more. I'm a freep boycotter before the last Michigan debacle so I'll have to wait for the story elsewhere.
That cop should have tazed him bro
@AOClaus: or turning the PS1 upside down
This game is what I call a "controller breaker"
@frogloops: They were driving to a Farmer's Market, might have been old or a stoned hippie.