@MosesTlepolemus: Couldn't agree more, the frothing fanboy madness seems to be the ones that want to tar and feather him on the way out of Ann Arbor
@MosesTlepolemus: Couldn't agree more, the frothing fanboy madness seems to be the ones that want to tar and feather him on the way out of Ann Arbor
A true man would know that Canada style strip clubs are at a level higher than our NFL.
Damage control Dashiell? I prefer scorch and burn on Deadspin
@Jyuu: You would think something so old would be understood by now
@Archaotic: Weird I think of retail clerks as Troglodytes.
@mind in rewind: Secret Character in NFL BLitz? That would rock, too bad that DC vs MK thing didn't work out now.
Didn't see it in the comments, but on Sunday 8/30/09 the Best Buy ad has buy one xbox 360 game get the other 50% off. Batman and Madden for me.
@wtf_G: Ha, some of the logic of the people in the initial article on this was classic. Banzhammer people, every consumer should know every game's release date.
@Desolation_Angel: Ah, I see your a crazy person. My apologies.
@VideoGameFan: I'd probably install every single one of my games to the HD if I had a 250 gig. Sure I still have to put the discs in but no more wear and tear. My keep my dvd-drive a bit longer :P
@Nintenboy01: Will the 250 gig sell for $350?
@Communist Pope: If you haven't bought/played the game worth $40?
@GrYnder: I'm guessing a lot of it would fall under publishing rights, which if your a smart band and got a good deal you own your own publishing. So that eliminates about 95% of bands.
@Salen: and if you weren't smart enough to know that's it's pre "street" date you just probably aren't caring about unplugging from the internet.
That display of games needed the $79.99 Mortal Kombat:Trilogy
@Desolation_Angel: That's one of the "dummer" things I've read here, and that's really saying a lot.
Didn't she already do this with the Fifth Element dude?
@TearsandScreams: good point, but sometimes you get killer app like Super Mario World, or maybe mario 64.
@Pornosaur: you didn't do me proud kids :(
@Cervidanti: and the rest of you kids do me proud today, and don't feed