
The new stealth options sound awesome!

Kinda reminds me of MGS with its extensive camouflage system. I especially like Snake Eaters’ system.

A lot of other people seem to be a bit annoyed you pointed something like that out, I find joy in looking for this stuff too.

I see! Well I looked again and her sleeve is clipping through her Katana as well!

I thought you were referring to her bow string at first. Took me a while to see her sleeve clipping!

I’d have to agree with you about the age. But, they could just as easily do that with Batfleck.

There was a cartoon series called Batman Beyond that came out in 1999.

I could see them taking a bit of Dark Knight Returns (they already are), where Bruce really is too old to go on as the Batman (I think we kinda see

Indeed, you’re right. Way back when, before modern Singapore gained her independence, it was actually inhabited by the indigenous islander population in Southeast Asia, they’re called Malays.

The British having taken over quite early on. I think it was late 19th century. Started force-migrating labor from their various


Anyone notice the score in the trailer sounded like the Strangers Things theme song?

Since Hawking studied black holes. Maybe, a better response from him would’ve been:

“Trump is as bright as black hole, and twice as dense”.

But if they improve the Solo portion like they said they would, that could be the Rey of sunshine we could all be waiting for.