Oh my god, I'm sorry I haven't played the game in 4 years and was too lazy to Google it for a one sentence comment I typed.
Oh my god, I'm sorry I haven't played the game in 4 years and was too lazy to Google it for a one sentence comment I typed.
I watched some of it. I get the context of the video and it's not that I disagree, but as I've already said, I think Red Dead is a pretty weak example to use for this video topic.
I'm honestly not sure which side of this argument you're on.
That's because John Marston is a fucking badass.
That's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying it's dishonest to ignore the other side. And in Red Dead, as opposed to a game like GTA, the scantily-clad ladies were almost nothing more than background art, just like most of the male NPC's. I just think that using Red Dead in the context of this argument is a little weak.
I haven't played the game in years, and she's only at the end of the story, so forgive me.
Yeah, not a fan. I consider myself feminist, but everything I've ever seen of hers, she willfully excludes the other side. She's a shit-stirrer and nothing else.
I'm not disagreeing that there are prostitutes or things like that in the game (though I think this particular achievement is done out of jest, referring old westerns, which is a problem within itself), but it feels a little narrow-minded to purposely exclude the strong female characters just to point out the bad…
I gotta disagree about Red Dead. Both Bonnie and John's wife are strong female characters with fleshed-out personalities and stories important to the overall narrative.
Oh wow, you were at E3? Super cool. So was I.
And that is such a bullshit excuse to defend being an asshole. "It's THEIR game, let them do whatever they want with it! Even if that means being dick!"
Because it's being talked about a lot does not mean it's not an issue. It just means you're tired of hearing about, which equates to a stubborn refusal to acknowledge the problem. You may be fine with playing as men, but for every person like you, there are 2 more people who feel underrepresented in video games.
The fact that you think that people can just "get off their asses and create a game" shows how little you really know. These huge companies control the gaming market, the only way we're going to get real change is by letting them know that they need to include everyone. Yeah, gradually people will find their way into…
No, it was, "We made a team of four male assassins, one of which could have been female, but it fuck it, that's too much work!" I am fine with creative license. I would have been fine if they had responded to the issue by saying: "We decided to go with 4 guys for this game because that was our vision, next time we…
True to a point, but I'm basing what I'm saying off of comments other developers have made on the situation, ie: adding in woman would probably only be a few days of extra work (I'm sure you've seen the post).
What I said is literally exactly what you're saying.
To be honest, Kotaku constantly changing Kinja's commenting system has done a pretty good job of keeping me from wading deep into the black hole that the comment section can be some times. But with these articles, the top, most recommended comments were disgusting, and I had to dig deeper to see if someone had applied…
So what you're saying, is that for women to be included in gaming, they need to go start their own, competing industry, and work from the ground up to make sure females are properly represented in video games? Give me a break dude.
But you don't get it!! There are like, 2 whole women agreeing with them so that makes this a non-issue and everyone should shut up!!! What they don't realize is that a comment thread on a gaming site is going to be made up disproportionately of males because female gamers are either smart enough to know not to dig…
I will and am, but my point was it's sad that most people can't see the issue here and will still give Ubisoft their money hand over fist.
And games are better for it.