
That would take probably 3-5 days at max.

Yeah, fuck that asshole using his position in the industry to educate and inform all of us, who are merely speculating what goes on in a developers studio!

I wish we could vote with our wallets, but sadly, the comment sections from these articles have proved that there isn't really an issue here, so get back to the kitchen ladies!

"Females already have generic, non-playable characters who walk around lifeless doing nothing. What else do they want?!" Is what you're saying.

No, it does not mean everyone is instantly represented. But it means a good chunk of gamers are, or would be. When you make a game, and it has 4 player c0-op, and you can

No, they haven't. They're a site about video games discussing an issue directly related to video games.

Again, I find that hard to believe since this game is being developed by 10 studios at once with a multi-million dollar budget, and tons of other animators have said otherwise.

No, this is real life. Where women make up 51% of the human population and around 40% of the gaming population.

"Ever heard anyone demanding male version of Lara Croft?"
Yes. I have. Numerous times. I know a lot of guys who won't play games starring a woman.

And yeah, fuck woman for not sucking it up and playing as a man ALL THE TIME! What the fuck is their problem?!

You want to know why there is little complaint when a man has


And I'm sure you're so enlightened on how a business and a game developing company run. I'm also sure that you've ignored people in the comments of these articles who do develop games and have collectively chimed in that it probably wouldn't have been that much work to add in a female character.

And yes, I do realize

The main problem with your argument is that you're pulling these facts out of thin air, and only assuming everything. There are a hell of a lot more women in the industry than you seem to think, and yeah, while it's still a male-dominated world (like most industries), it's not this 90%-10% equation like you're

Also, my original comment was more directed at the users in this comment section who don't understand sexism and have no grasp on reality. An issue like the AC5 one is only uprooting a bigger problem: misogyny in gaming. And as much as I don't want to believe it's that big of an issue, the comments tell me otherwise,

Women DO buy games, almost as much as men nowadays. If you think it's so easy for women to just start creating games!, then you've missed the whole point.

I've already explained it, but let me try again: It's not just about excluding a female assassin from Unity. It has more to do with Ubisoft's response to it, and the developers attitudes about it in both Unity, and Far Cry 4. I don't believe they have some agenda against women, but when you thoughtfully cut a full sex

That's all well and good, but
A.) That's not how Ubisoft explained themselves. This would have been a slightly better response in the face of this issue.
B.) This isn't just about Assassin's Creed: Unity. Multiple issues have been raised recently surrounding Ubisoft and a few of their games.
And C.) You're going to tell

It doesn't, but clearly you don't understand the situation or context

Females disagreeing does not make this not a controversy.

I shouldn't be, but I'm incredibly surprised and equally disgusted by the comments in the articles about this controversy. It makes my skin crawl to be associated with many of the users commenting on posts like this. "This isn't even a real issue! Girls already have Tomb Raider, what else do they want?! Choices?!?!

That's still a really roundabout way of saying, "We could have put a little extra effort in to get a female for a role in the game, but we didn't want to make the effort."

Perspective is everything. Just because one thing is a bigger issue DOES NOT make this a non-issue. If you want to look at things that way, nothing really matters because there are children starving to death in Africa due to being captured and used as weapons in a war.