
@Erwin: People laugh that robotically when the show is so bad it has to telegraph the "jokes". I must be the only one who's insulted by that tripe.

@Koztah: C'mon guys, he's a fanboy. Rationality and market research are foreign concepts.

@Gaffadin: Better driver support? How do you get better driver support than closed hardware?! One set of extensions runs the entire hardware line! They all get updated straight from Apple! I've heard a lot of ridiculous anti-mac arguments, but you sir, take the cake (which is a lie.)

@RidleyGriff: Not my intent. Did not mean to offend. I prefer macs as well, but not so much that I can't admit any shortcomings.

@DocSeuss: You've never owned a mac. that's why you can't comprehend liking one. But thanks for proving my original point.

This is fantastic news for any fans of Valve games. What's sad is that this discussion thread will soon degrade into accusations of "fanboy" and "hater," because some people can't help but defend Apple, and other people can't help but bash them. it's a lot like the Xbot vs PS3tard stuff; people who've never owned

The biggest barrier to the PSP's success is it's software library.

@goku1552: Splintered nipples would not have been fun.

@Michael Buttler: Sure, but wine isn't a replacement for windows; it's far from perfect, and Valve isn't the type of company to rely on less than perfect. Their Less Than Perfect Orange Box PS3 meant that they'd be holding off on PS3 support until they could get it right. L4D2 PS3, anyone? Nope.

@Laxcat: The problem is that strategy isn't profitable. Mac owners are a small percentage of PC owners, and a small percentage of mac owners are gamers. You're expecting widespread support for a platform of maybe 200-300k users, none of which will buy every game available.