@Striderhayasa - Can we get some damn m/kb support?!: a USB port is actually too big. The device is half an inch thick. Would you prefer your iPod Touch also be thicker so it can accommodate standard USB, as well?
@Striderhayasa - Can we get some damn m/kb support?!: a USB port is actually too big. The device is half an inch thick. Would you prefer your iPod Touch also be thicker so it can accommodate standard USB, as well?
@mrpibb79: It's very likely that the screen may have been too narrow for the intended interface designs when flipped upright. I mean, the iPhone isn't 16x9 either. 4x3 is much closer to a piece of paper when it's turned 3x4.
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: You do see tons of web pages tailored to the device. Like this one, and the rest of gawker media. Every livetype or wordpress blog. ESPN, CNN. Not just the iPhone is forcing flash out of the picture. So is the android browser in use on several released tablets. So is youtube…
@Ken: Just like there was no market for a "smartphone" with no physical keyboard.
@sbongard15: How exactly will one need more than 16GB for "gaming" or "computing"? Is it the 50MB iWork files you'll be generating? The fifty odd games I have on my iPhone that take up <3GB? Face it. You only need more space if you plan on filling it to the gills with music and movies. If I end up with one…
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: They didn't want to attract hardcore gamers, they want to attract iPod touch gamers. You dickheads don't like gaming on the iPhone OS at all, nor can you comprehend how anyone would. Why would you think for a minute the iPad is going to pull a 360 and start catering to the whiny…
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: Yeah! In three more years, maybe they'll sell another six million!
@Chester Coat Sleaves: "Maybe I was raised to watch how I spend my money." Fuck you.
@Sorwah: If that becomes an issue, it's a software design flaw, not a hardware design flaw.
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: It's a bad thing FOR YOU. It's not a bad thing for all the folks who have trouble using a computer; (read, NOT YOU.) The short-sightedness of the gadget/gamer crowd continually amazes me.
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: I'm sorry, what did you want me to see again? Is it behind the $1500 waste of time?
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: A critical eye focused on what the product never intended to do. You need to step back and see that this isn't a product for gamers or geeks. Imagine being able to use a netbook with the same ease of use and straightforward design of your iPhone's interface. We forget what we…
@Chester Coat Sleaves: You're an idiot.
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: I'm sorry, did I say opinion? I meant INFORMED opinion.
@sbongard15: Ok, you're talking about the lenovo. With a 5 hour battery, and a $999 price point. Yeah, that's totally the market apple is shooting for. . .
@shufflemoomin: Multitasking on a portable device is idiocy. You know how many apps I'm using right now? One: Safari. Note that's not how many I have open, it's how many I'm using.
@RealMido: See camera attachments at Apple.com
@Ken: Hmm, that's probably why it's one dollar, and not $35. Don't be an idiot.
@Apollinarius: Would you like ketchup on your words, or is plain good enough?
@Bo_Diddly: Accessories have been possible with the iPhone and iPod touch since 3.0. However, no one wants to spend the money on a platform for gaming, as the overhead is MUCH higher and the margins much lower than making a game instead. Besides, if EA made a controller for the iPhone OS platform, wouldn't everyone…