Hammer bros Mario FTW. Even the NSMBDS version with that crazy shell slide action was bad ass. #newsupermariobroswii
Hammer bros Mario FTW. Even the NSMBDS version with that crazy shell slide action was bad ass. #newsupermariobroswii
@☆Y2Jason☆: I think that's it. Thanks. #borderlands
@BeerManMike is Bayonetta's personal defender: : It's been in development for a LOOOOOONG time to be a test. #borderlands
I think a little more enemy variety and some weapon customization options (take that orange auto shotty you found to Marcus and pay him a ridiculous sum to up the accuracy, for example) and you have yourself a winner. Maybe some more mission variety, too.
@sereal: but not all the GOOD songs as DLC. That's like, four bucks. #bobbykotick
@Kaka Kittens: One manual means lower prices for consumers. I guess they could pull a kotick and sell it for $59. #newsupermariobroswii
@Rajolae: Much easier /= easy by any stretch of the imagination. And maybe it's only "easier" to me since I've worn skin off my fingers on Super Ghouls and Ghosts.
@NeöStarr: Oh, I know. I just think that's tits. #talkamongstyourselves
I love how everyone who's like "MW2, can't wait, bro!" has no replies. #talkamongstyourselves
@wheelis: Yes. At least so are the Evony ads with stock photos of porn stars. #talkamongstyourselves
GnG is surprisingly playable. Much easier than the original, tho. #rtype
@jsvalen3: Ground Zig-zags! OMG! That's exactly how they did the ground in . . . .
@RebaFuge: I masticated on a table in front of my coworkers the other day. I couldn't help myself. #modernwarfare2
What a stylish and functional device for calling each other nigger and fag! #modernwarfare2
@Tacticalspoon: I can't get a decent shotty to drop for the life of me. I'm soldiering with my metal storm skill maxed out. Every time I see someone with an orange auto-shotty, I die a little inside. #borderlands
@nerdmanwhippy: I didn't think I would replay for loot either,
@nerdBOY01: "Da screen, has asolutely destryed itself."
Playing it at the apple store won't hurt anything; deep freeze undoes all changes made by the user on restart. Go kick alien ass to your heart's content. #loselose
@Alexander-the-Supernaut: then they'd be donating $15m and that wouldn't fly very far in Kotickville. #callofdutymodernwarfare
@TheContender: Borderlands has shotguns that fire rockets. #callofdutymodernwarfare2