
Seeing past his big "Angry Joe" act on the review, he really does properly address the game's (and Zenimax's) flaws in an in-depth, thorough manner. Joe loves what he does and he does it well. I can't dislike him for that.

This review hit the nail on the head IMO. This is exactly how I felt about it when I played it. I didn't pay for the collectors edition through. I went back to FF XIV.

Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh... it seems... er... *goes back to Final Fantasy XVI*

This is the review that guaranteed that I won't be buying ESO.

"The Patrician took a sip of his beer. "I have told this to few people, gentlemen, and I suspect I never will again, but one day when I was a young boy on holiday in Uberwald I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs. A very endearing sight, I'm sure you will agree, and even as I

EU covers over thirty years, even. That's a precious long time.

This is how Final Fantasy 11 feels these days. Eerie is the perfect word to describe it. The community settles in whatever the latest city is around the newest content. This leaves the vast majority of the world, all the areas and cities, as desolate wastelands for the most part.

But science is evil don't you know that? It is asking too much to case-by-case things; if one company (*cough Monsanto) does something wrong that means ALL of the GMOs are evil and should be banned!

Nice write up Mike! I've been wondering about 4k PC gaming and what that would entail. Looks like I'll be waiting a year or two before upgrading. Not that I mind, I mean, this is pretty awesome to game with.

doesn't this already exist in the form of both GameFAQs and Wikipedia?

Can we rename 'Minimum' to 'Console Experience' and 'Recommended' to 'Master Race Experience'

It's times like this that I wish dark chocolate didn't taste so repulsively bitter to me...

Why don't we just try to lower the safety and emissions standards instead?

To be fair, some people have the skill and some don't. Smart A.I. isn't for everyone as some just want to play and kill and sit on their couch enjoying a fun game after work.

Others, like me, want the challenge! For us this is perfect..except gamers with that mindset are slowly reaching the minority.

Refraction is a light bending thing.

Here's my take on the Mac vs PC debate. You spent $2K on a high end gaming machine. Great! How much did you make playing video games? $0? By contrast, I spent $4K on my Mac, and used it to make over $125K in 2013 as a video professional. And I will continue to make this kind of money off my $4k Mac for at least the

Must be watched while on something. My reaction to watching it. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. WTF? This is crazy. Oooooh pretty colors. This is crazy.This is crazy. This is crazy. WHAT THE HELL?!?! This is crazy. Now I'm numb to it all. Still numb. Crazy. CRAZY. This is kind of hot. Awww, the ending was

The only people who have problems with windows are people who are messing with things they know nothing about.

OSX is like training wheels on a tricycle—-Even a child can't mess it up...

But on the other hand, the myriad of settings and functions you have access to in Windows means that if you know what you are doing