
>Platform specifically markets itself as a place where you can speak freely no matter your opinion


i love listening to gifs

I keep a stash of empty water bottles just in case. I’m not one of those disgusting ass lot pissers. And those are only worst case scenario when there’s no bathroom around

Maybe it’s the animation style, but a lot of these are really off.

wouldn’t it just be easier to separate the genders and disallow any contact whatsoever? really put an end to harassment altogether. solve the human problem.

ITT: Moral superiority

hahahaha, “Brace for harassment”

it’s like you people have never even used the internet. Especially Jeff “If you emote too much we’ll find where you live and kill you” Kaplan

Medical students do standard medical stuff during their courses. Take a badly timed selfie.

More at 11.

New guidelines that......require you to obey the law.

Makes sense, why let him die a hero’s death when there’s shitty movies to make



“Spy sattellite” “Lost”

We know what the industry lingo means.

Further confirming that the verified badge is an endorsement by Twitter and not “this account is run by this person” confirmation.

“Gamers are dead” - kotaku 2014

As a rebel veteran, i can tell you that Y-Wings are in fact the superior ship.

“guns are cooler”

not really though.

While he was doing that did he try to push KISS merchandise on them? If not, it may have just been a Gene Simmons impersonator.

You can easily make an windows installer on a flashdrive, install it, then buy a 40$ key. The hardest part is making the installer and all you do it get it from microsoft.