more like 30$
more like 30$
100 hours making....stickers?
If women are discouraged from doing anything because someone waved at them, should they be there at all?
Translation: we couldn’t find a way to put loot boxes in the game, and visceral refused to add them, so we’re closing them and giving the project to someone who will follow orders.
“It’s YOUR FAULT we don’t make more content.”
Nailed every racist stereotype on purpose eh?
it somehow manages to look all next-gen HD and simultaneously dated and old like every COD.
Gah, the first several hours of MEA have been a goddamn slog. I’m having a really hard time looking past the flaws. Even pretending that i’m emulating a PS2 game isn’t working for me. I think i’m just going to go back to Nier.
5 people?! 5 totally not cherry picked people?! Holy Shit. Rekt. Jon is fuckin DONE.
If your opinion is that context doesn’t matter, then yeah, people are going to be fuckin pissed (fucking Kuchera). It was a shitty hitjob. No one should support it in my opinion.
While you’re not wrong, regressive is more colloquially used to refer to the far left. It’s a play on “progressive”, which they no longer are.
So, floating gears then? I do that on my semi but I never thought cars could do it.
Ck is more left of center than anything, but I meant that despite saying a lot of stuff that would get most comedians crucified by regressives, he gets a pass for some reason.
louis CK is on the list of “approved” comedians for the left. he can make the worst jokes ever and it’s totally ok. outside of that list though, you better not say a fucking thing because they’ll crucify you, call you a nazi, a fascist, etc... they’ll run the regressive playbook.
So it’s cool to beat the shit out of anyone who holds an opinion we don’t like? Awesome, that sounds like an intellectual, liberal, western way of doing things. Oh boy I’m excited, where do I even start? Feminists? Sjws? Game journalists? My fists are tingling.
/pol/ makes up stupid fan fiction about Trump. Sends it to “journalists”. “Journalists” do no vetting, no verification, publish without sources.
Not fake news.
i synced them up by when it says “kojima productions” in overlay text since they last exactly the same amount of time and they both follow the dolly roll forward and pan past all the crabs at about the same times as well.
based on the timings of the trailers, they do not happen at the same time. there’s at least 20-30 seconds difference. still an interesting correlation though
I do not agree with censoring a review....BUT he seems to be a well known...asshole. If he’s a known contrarian that purposely makes negative reviews about positively reviewed games then he’s about as reliable for game reviews as Polygon.