
It’s not better, it just provides some closure and finality. I love it. I will print this and save it with my collector’s edition forever.

i finally just started playing DAI and...i find it super grindy....more than usual. Maybe it’s because i’m a mage, but it seems to be nearly impossible to level up. I’m not finding any armor or weapons that are decent and my teammates are constantly dying despite the stuff i try to give them...also...why the hell is

Kojima productions was able to make a game that dwarfs most other games in scope and density, on 5 platforms, with no problem running 60fps, and were still able to actually move the PC release forward having never developed for PC before.

Absolutely Glorious.


Bad consequences from some shit you said? Label it satire! No one will know! /sarcastica

Woah there Pastor Maldonado

lol, everyone is fuckin’ offended by fuckin’ everything. Just watch the goddamn movie with explosions in it and enjoy the explosions. Jesus crust.

I just want to point out that John, Kelly, Sam, and Linda all fell from space and didn’t need no baby-ass thrusters to survive the fall. JS.

Update: They’re already on steam.

why on earth would Mad Max movies upset them?

anyone who plays decent music.


1 Week, 19 Hours to Metal Gear.

the dank grittiness is part of the whole experience.

1 week, 1 day and 17 hours to Metal Gear

you’re comparing apples to oranges. they’re two separate genres of game.

i don’t think you played FO3.

Feminists are pretty shitty feminists.

i don’t understand how this works.