
"The 2015 ecoboost mustang will get 31mpg on the highway....but is unfortunately still a mustang."

so, money is worth more in more conservative areas while liberal areas suffer. I support neither party, but it's hard to ignore the differences in fiscal policy.

wine ain't got shit on Brosnan

I don't care what anyone says, Pierce Brosnan was one of the best Bonds. And Goldeneye was one of the greats.

Elite should be out by the end of the year, start citizen should be fully out by end of next year.

it's an either/or thing

seeing as the Elise is just a Celica, yeah I'd say it's an improvement.

I've already stopped going to McDonald's, I don't fly x-wings anymore, besides I was well known for being an ace y-wing pilot, but nooooooo they had to put me in a damn x-wing

Do you take visa? This will be your work station.

lol really? Oh shit! Yeeeaahhh bbooyy

i mean, i'm getting an occulus in a few months, i've got my HOTAS(S), 3 monitors...and absolutely not enough time...how am i supposed to live 4 lives?

i guess we'll never know.... (COME BACK TO ME 1313!!!!!!!!)

This has been squarely near the center of my radar for the last few months. I don't know what to do with myself, with all these fuckin ridiculous space sims coming out.

It's not like he's wrong. But upsetting your constituency is not exactly a great move. Yes, one gamer means pretty much nothing...however, everything you say ends up being heard by millions of said individual gamers. And as we all know, many individuals can form a monster. Even if your customers won't treat you

fire extinguishers are dot mandatory on trucks, also this video was January 28 of last year.

why mobile gaming remains an abomination and will forever e remain so until the practice ends, which it never will. I've stopped playing f2p in their entirety. Planetside 2, hawken, mechwarrior online...you will be missed but...you're part of the problem

got my 3 monitors, hotas joystick, and currently waiting on my second r9 290....this game is going to friggin rule.

a year ago I would have said that the next generation of kids is fucked, but truthfully who wasn't a dumbass at 13? It's what people are like at 18-23 you really have to worry about. That's when they start becoming the people they'll be for the rest of their lives. If they suck then....well...you gotta put em down.

fucking people man

oh no I understand that, I just meant in general. Like...with everyone.