this is a classic Redd Foxx skit. Either it's bullshit and they're playing the internet as usual, or he's a dumbass.
this is a classic Redd Foxx skit. Either it's bullshit and they're playing the internet as usual, or he's a dumbass.
do wants
F2P...The fastest way to kill gamer interest.
step 1. Have a girlfriend.
under the $250 subscription, I have access to up to (I believe) 5 copies of every version of Windows.
maybe it's because I have a msdn account but I get my Windows hyper cheap. As for issues....I rarely have any at all. And the ones I do get are usually hardware related anyway.
my msi and gigabyte boards have all come with a little I/o extender and you can put all the cables on where you can see and then just pop it in, and what's with the Windows hate?
how to get ALL the ladies at Dave and Busters
Aideeeennnnnn!!!! *shakes fist at sky*
you know what's great about minigames? You don't have to play them.
Too bad conventions are really the only way to find out which girls are awesome here in the southeast U.S.
because if someone says you raped them, then you did, no questions asked. You really have no say in the matter.
will these countries ever progress past the crusades? Nope. I don't think so.
Lol, hopefully I'll actually be home during the next shop contest so I'll be able to use my desktop instead of my phone.
not even an honorable mention....damn.
my only problem, and I KNOW it's a game...etc etc...., but with the close up hits, they seem awful fatal to just get back up from...idk..whatever.
those 560s aren't going to run 4k.
so...we're doing this?