
I love Best Friends Play because not only are they pretty funny, but they're actually ridiculously knowledgeable about video games...and they have an outspoken hatred for David Cage lol.

slow day? Digging up Shit from 11 years ago lol

you don't "finish" stalker. You become it.

zero tolerance my fucking ass. They'll tolerate whatever happens until someone stands up for themselves. Then the victim gets the punishment.

the wiiu uses the least amount of power because no one turns them on.

how the fuck are we qualifying hd anymore? Ok halo 2...maybe that would look a little better, but 3? 4?

I feel this could have been built for a good 2k$ less, at least.

this is the only way I want to play games.

god i hate my freightliner so much

hahahaha stupid bastards

I can't respect a person who doesn't know how to do their own laundry. If kids are living at home after 18 they should be required to: 1. Take up responsibilities around the house. 2. Pay rent. 3. Cover expenses for one or more utilities or services in the house.


I notice quite frequently it's much easier to be a fat dude. I usually just get viewed as the happy fat bearded dude, which I am, but there's no judgement that I can see behind it. I don't think I would be able to be a big girl and I really respect your self-fortitude. Though maybe this is just what everyone says,

maybe I'm not used to running on bare minimum specs. Haven't run anything less than ultra (or enthusiast for pre-battlefield times) for years. I don't even know how I survived pre-custom build. I still don't think those min specs are enough. You're gonna be running 0's on all specs and draw distance and still

hahaha ok lol, straight to the classics

you can run CoD on anything, whether it's an Xbox or an old laptop, but to run Arma 3 well at all you need one hell of a PC and a great internet connection. Also, on most servers if you start being an idiot they'll boot you faster than sonic fucking Paris Hilton.

CoD damages itself and it's community composition has spoken volumes of it's quality for several years. One person supposedly creating a bad image of the Arma community isn't hurting much.

I'm not doing a thing other than stating an opinion about a game that has changed less in 7 years than Paris Hilton's reputation. I'm one of many, and what 20 people on kotaku think about about the Arma community doesn't mean much. Kind of like my opinion, except I walk away smiling, and none the worse for wear.

Arma isn't shitty, I was talking about CoD. And it doesn't really matter. The community is self contained and fantastic. And compared to the CoD community, your opinion of me is still on an angelic level.

or if you're complaining about torrenting, take it up with kotaku and lifehacker. They both spend quite a bit of time writing articles on the best ways to torrent.