
holy fuck shit....right in the childhood!

so...if beards become rarer, and I keep mine...this means I'll be more attractive... this is MY chance!

it's funny how backwards everything seems. Masturbation is much more openly accepted among males, yet is looked down on with disgust and disdain...meanwhile it's exactly opposite for women, being uncomfortable masturbating, yet it's not looked down on (as far as I know from this side of the genital fence, just an

Man I had forgotten about all this. I guess I can forgive some of the lack of content.

for developers anyway. Publishers are having the times if their lives

I was actually just referring to the general rape of the gaming community by publishers

are there books WITHOUT music?

I keep forgetting about that. Well, at least I've still got the books.

despite the millions and millions they get out of us from dlc bullshit

and so, the only redeeming quality of the halo games disappears. The extended universe is all we have now.

that was the poorest attempt at trolling I've ever seen.

when worst comes to worst, the pirate bay will always come through.

maybe 3 usable ones, the rest are just awkward screenshots

yes, they are

no, there isn't

60$ absolutely not. 35$? maybe. As for prices i give battlefield shit on a regular basis and same with cod.

Also, they had 3 years, and the team is all industry veterans...so...yeah.

i...was...not...expecting...singleplayer. i just wanted a legitimate campaign that wasn't tacked on as a joke.

you're just trying to simplify everything. Am I not allowed to enjoy the the simple action/fun of Fast and Furious movies because V for Vendetta is a work of art? to say that my judgement is bad because i i'm versatile in where i can find enjoyment is ridiculous.

i didn't say good. I said "enjoyable"

i was also told there was a campaign